
Enter a Melting Rainbow Universe Fueled by Open-Source Art Tools

Images courtesy the artist

The Creators Project team thought we’d give you some much needed R&R from the headlines, so we’ve roped together a regimen of healing and happy stories to help get you through the day.

Neon colors explode and transmute abstract patterns in the expressive psychedelic prints of digital artist Zouassi. The massive archive of work by this mysterious glitch artist ranges from the abstract and decorative to the expressive and naturalistic. However, it’s hard to categorize his work as a whole because no two canvases look the same. Each colorscape is contained within a distinct pattern or mixture pool that explores different modes of texture and composition.

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Faced with no budget for software or formal training, Zouassi leverages the power of the internet to help establish an avenue for his creative expression. “I try to utilize the public domain, free software, and social sharing to get the best work possible in front of as many eyes as I can, without an art background and not much more in terms of resources than an iPhone,” he tells The Creators Project.

“App developers in the past few years have really spoiled us with some powerful tools. The ability to create renderings and take high res photos, edit and modify them in countless ways, and immediately share them all over the world from a tiny little device still blows my mind.” The artist praises public domain galleries like Getty Images for the exposure and access to resources they provide prospective image makers. Check out some more of our favorite Zouassi prints below:

The artist has a stacked Society6 page where he pedals everything from throw pillows to iPhone cases stamped with his unique prints. You can check out his online store here, and be sure to follow him on Instagram and Facebook.  


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