#MeToo, Deportations, and a Toy Gun: The VICE Morning Bulletin

Indonesia News

Indonesia’s Top Cop Says Officers Need to Ask Rape Victims If They Were ‘Comfortable’
National Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian walked right into fresh controversy on Thursday when he said that asking a woman if they enjoyed being raped was all part of the investigation. It’s comments like these that make women not want to report their sexual assault to the police, writes Syahar Banu. —VICE

Indonesians Face Deportation Under Trump
Thousands of Chinese Indonesians Fled the country during the violence of May 1998, many of them arriving in the United States. But now the community is getting caught in US President Donald Trump’s deportation spree. One family was told to buy a one-way ticket back to Indonesia, prompting fear amongst the victims of the 98 anti-Chinese riots. “We are afraid to go home,” one of them said. “We fear for the safety of our children.”—Reuters

Videos by VICE

That Pack of Smokes Is Gonna Cost You
Indonesia has one of the highest smoking rates in the world. Some 67 percent of men smoke cigarettes. But that pack is now going to cost you a bit more. The government plans to raise tobacco taxes 10 percent by Jan. 2018. —Katadata

Disgruntled Doctor Threatens Hospital With a Toy Gun
A doctor at Yadika Hospital, furious that his patient numbers had dropped, brought a toy gun to work and used it to threaten hospital staff for sending patients to other doctors instead. Well, if they weren’t before, you better believe they are now. —Coconuts

International News

Majority of Americans Fear North Korea Over Rest of World, Poll Says
The latest NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll shows 54 percent of adults view North Korea as the biggest current threat to the US abroad, up from 41 percent in July. But an even greater majority of Americans—64 percent—would rather see the Trump administration negotiate with Kim Jong-un’s regime, compared to the 32 percent who lean in favor of military action.—NBC News

Bereaved Military Father Says Trump Promised Him $25,000
Over the Phone Chris Baldridge said the president pledged to give him the sum during a phone call made a few weeks after his son, Army Sergeant Dillon Baldridge, was killed in Afghanistan in June. Baldridge said he was disappointed when no check arrived with a letter of condolence. “The check has been sent,” claimed the White House’s deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters.—The Washington Post

Spain Vows to Take Control of Catalonia
The Spanish government said it would trigger Article 155 of the nation’s constitution to take control of Catalonia after the region refused to give up independence as policy. A group of lawmakers plan to draft a set of measures that would “restore the constitutional order” in the country. Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont previously threatened to declare independence if Spain remained unwilling to talk.—VICE News

Russian TV Star Running Against Putin
Ksenia Sobchak has announced her intention to take on President Vladimir Putin in next year’s presidential election. The former reality TV presenter, who recently turned to journalism, said she would be the “against all” contender. She pledged to stand aside for opposition figurehead Alexei Navalny if he is allowed to run.—The Guardian

At Least 43 Killed in Attack on Afghan Army Base
The Taliban has claimed responsibility for a deadly assault on a military camp in Kandahar Province. At least 43 of the camp’s 60 soldiers were killed, and another nine were injured. Suicide bombers blew up two vehicles at the base before gunmen moved in. At least nine militants were reportedly killed in the fighting.—Al Jazeera

New Zealand Gets New Prime Minister
Jacinda Ardern has become the country’s third female leader after the New Zealand First Party agreed to form a coalition with Ardern’s Labour Party. New Zealand’s first leader, Winston Peters, said he decided to back 37-year-old Ardern and Labour over the conservative National Party because “capitalism must regain its human face.”—The Sydney Morning Herald

Everything Else

Kevin Smith to Give Away Weinstein-Related Residuals
The Clerks director said he would donate royalties from films produced by Harvey Weinstein to the nonprofit Women in Film. Following the allegations of sexual assault, Smith said he felt his career was now “wrapped up in something really fucking horrible.”—ABC News

Trudeau Leads Tributes to Gord Downie
The Tragically Hip singer died at the age of 53 after battling brain cancer, the legendary Canadian band announced Wednesday. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a friend of Downie’s, said, “We are less as a country without Gord Downie in it.”—CBC News

Chelsea Handler to Quit Show for Activism
The comedian has revealed season two of her Netflix talk show Chelsea will be her last because she wants to participate in political debate “in a more meaningful way.” Handler said she would “campaign for candidates who are fighting for women’s rights.”—Deadline

‘Broad City’ Star Dismissed Staffers for Sexual Misconduct
Ilana Glazer said she had been forced to fire “a couple dudes” from the show for sexual harassment. The actress and co-creator said the problem “seems to be a constant, but having the opportunity to do something about it is rare.”—i-D

Next Level AI Becomes Play Go Champion
The Alphabet subsidiary DeepMind has generated artificial intelligence that taught itself to play Go without any instruction and then easily defeated the current AI champion. The new AlphaGo Zero has been created to imitate the human brain.—Motherboard