This story is over 5 years old.


Someone Is Spreading a Massive Google Doc Phishing Email Right Now

PSA: don’t click on random Google Doc links.
someone is spreading a massive google doc

A massive phishing campaign targeting Google accounts is ripping through the internet right now.

Several journalists, as well as people working in other industries, have said they've received emails containing what looks like a link to a Google Doc that appears to come from someone they know. These, however, are malicious emails designed to hijack your account.

If you have clicked on the link, go to your Google account's page ( where you can manage the permissions you've granted to apps. Then locate the "Google Doc" app. This looks totally legitimate, but it's actually not. If that's the malicious app that's gotten access to your account after you clicked on the link it should have a recent "Authorization Time." Now, click on that Google Docs app and click Remove.

Continue reading on Motherboard.