
A Modern-Day Cubist Examines Warped Beauty in His Murals

A graffiti artist decorates the surfaces of walls with surreal portraits of human faces, broken down and emphasized in abstract shapes. Each surreal piece blends sharp lines against lively, expressive eyes staring from creamy complexions. An accomplished muralist, Miguel Ángel Belinchón Bujes goes by the artist name, Belin. Communicated through bold tones and retro patterns, the multiple views of Belin’s work inadvertently draws parallels to Picasso’s Cubist style. Picasso’s legacy trickles down when seen splashed across publicly-accessible walls in the updated style of contemporary painters like Belin.

Born in Linares, Spain, the street artist boasts a unique tour in his hometown dedicated to taking in his hyper-realist murals. A signature characteristic of the artist’s work is his lack of template, opting to flesh out his realistic murals with little more than steady hands and extreme focus. The artist counts fellow Spaniard Salvador Dalí as a prominent source of inspiration. 

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In a biographical video, the artist says, “I’ve made every dream that kept me awake at night a reality […] Thanks to a passion that became my profession, and profession that transformed my soul. It taught me that I could express myself not just on paper, canvas, or a wall but I could also make sculpture, pottery, or even remains from the past—my own.” 

Take a look at a selection of Belin’s best street art from a few international projects below: 

Visit Belin’s official website, here.


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