
Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, December 2021

Sagittarius and Capricorn

The sun in Sagittarius illuminates the sector of your chart that rules your daily routines and rituals, finding you busy at work and sorting out your schedule to have more time for the things that support you and your wellbeing. This is an exciting time to start a new project, and a great gig might be coming your way—but make space in your routine to spend time in nature, quiet meditation, physical activities, and maybe a day at the spa!

Dreamy Neptune ends its retrograde in fellow water sign Pisces on December 1, which can find you having a spiritual breakthrough. This is a powerful moment for you creatively; you’re feeling adventurous and your imagination is especially active. A trip or course of study may be especially mind-expanding at this time.

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The solar eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on December 4, bringing an abrupt change to your schedule or realization that you need to switch up your routine. If your work-life balance has been out of sync, you may be feeling the consequences in a major way, and this could bring a shift in how you organize your work, schedule, and daily life. An important job or project may be beginning at this time. A change in how you approach wellness may also be taking place.

Mars in Scorpio connects with Pluto in Capricorn on December 6, putting you in the mix with influential and powerful people. A potent, creative energy flows and it’s an especially sexy moment in your love life! Passion is high. Just watch out for misunderstandings, especially about scheduling, on December 7 as Mercury in Sagittarius squares off with Neptune. Keeping your plans flexible may be the best approach. The mood is lazy, but a more proactive energy flows on December 8 as Mars squares off with Jupiter in Aquarius.

December 11 finds Venus and Pluto meeting in Capricorn, making it an especially profound day in relationships: You may be getting to know someone in a deeper way than you imagined! A transformation may be taking place in a relationship. This is a powerful moment for bonding. Also on December 11, Mercury and Jupiter connect, inspiring an open-minded atmosphere that’s fantastic for problem solving.

The mood may be a bit deflated or lazy as the sun squares off with Neptune on December 12: People might flake on plans, or you could feel like you need more flexibility to do your own thing. A shift in energy arrives on December 13 as Mars enters Sagittarius, lighting a fire in you to tackle your to-do list and take care of business! You feel energized to take on a new wellness routine. Also on December 13, Mercury enters Capricorn, boosting communication between you and your partners. This is an exciting time to network and meet new people, as well as to connect with established partners. While Mercury was in Sagittarius, you were doing a lot of planning and brainstorming, but with Mercury in your opposite sign Capricorn, serious discussions about expectations take place.

Your dreams may have a special quality to them during the full moon in Gemini on December 18. You might be feeling especially intuitive, and it’s a powerful time to engage in your spiritual practice. You could feel called to catch up on quality time alone, and it’s a powerful moment for meditation or journaling, or any practice that connects you with your inner self. Deep emotions surface at this time. This full moon also calls urges to rest! If you’re able to take some time off or sleep in, give yourself space to unwind. 

Venus retrograde in Capricorn begins on December 19, activating the relationship sector of your chart…what you’re looking for in partnerships may be changing drastically at this time! You could feel much more serious about Venusian themes like love, money, and beauty. Your partners may have a more business-like approach to things. This is a great opportunity to sit with yourself and consider what makes you feel loved and valued. Ask your partners this question, too! If you’re in a relationship, talk about how both of your needs have evolved over time, and experiment with new ways to show affection. Also on December 19, the sun connects with Jupiter, inspiring helpfulness and a sense of generosity. 

Mercury mingles with Uranus in Taurus on December 20, which could find you making some surprising social connections, and relationships become an even bigger focus as Capricorn season begins on December 21, when the sun lights up the partnership sector of your chart. Saturn and Uranus square off for the third and final time this year until 2043 on December 24! You experience a tremendous restructuring of your social life and how you work with others, the sort of investments you expect from others, and the investments you make in causes and communities. You have big dreams for the future, but you may be changing your ideas about how to achieve these dreams. An unexpected path can open up before you, but that might mean you have to do away with your old way of approach.

Venus retrograde meets Pluto on December 25, which could find you and your partners diving deep into what’s truly meaningful and valuable to you. This is an emotionally intense time! Feelings like jealousy or greed come to the surface, but so do passion and desire. It’s a complicated moment, but the information that arises could be extremely illuminating.

Mercury and Neptune connect on December 26, inspiring easy communication about deep topics. Jupiter enters fellow water sign Pisces on December 28, putting you in an optimistic and adventurous mood! While you have a reputation for being a cautious crab, you might feel like taking a risk at this time. You’re eager to expand your horizons, and it’s an exciting time to travel. This is also an exciting moment for your studies or publishing work. Exciting opportunities abroad, at school, or to simply spread the word about something you’re passionate about, arrive!

Mercury meets Venus retrograde and Mars connects with Saturn on December 29, inspiring a sweet, sentimental atmosphere, and it’s a good time to set boundaries or make plans for the future. Mercury and Pluto meet on December 30, which could find you learning a secret or two…

Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in 2022!