
Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, February 2024


Aquarius season, which began last month, is a transformative time of year as the sun moves through your chart’s house of rebirth. It can also bring up topics of taxes, debts, and other shared resources.

Emotional conversations flow on February 2 as messenger Mercury connects with dreamy Neptune. You’re getting more information from your partner or another person about their ideals. This is a helpful aspect for understanding where people are coming from and getting a sense of their biases.

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Financial calculations begin on February 5, when Mercury enters your chart’s house of shared resources. This can help you tally up some figures, and see what needs to be exchanged or paid off. Also on this day, Mercury meets with Pluto, the planet of secrets, which can bring up logistical conversations about taboo topics like death, inheritances, and what happens with your bills in a worst case scenario. Be thorough and rational when it comes to financial matters and the future.

Your partners and loved ones show you a future that you didn’t even realize was possible on February 7, as love planet Venus harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of surprises. You’re able to connect with people in ways that you haven’t before. Unexpected connections and pleasant surprises are written in the stars. You and a partner are synced up, able to move and coordinate smoothly and beautifully as action planet Mars connects with dreamy Neptune, also on February 7.

A reset takes place on February 8 as the new moon falls in your chart’s house of rebirth and transformations. You’re working out the boundaries that make trust and intimacy possible. During this new moon, both the sun and moon square off with Uranus, the planet of surprises: The future is constantly changing, and as an answer to instability or uncertainty, you may feel compelled to start a new collaboration, apply for funding, or merge resources with another person in some way.

You’re sharing your ideas and goals for the future on February 10, when Mercury clashes with Jupiter, the planet of philosophy. Ideas from a partner or details about financial figures from an outside source will change your mind about what’s possible for you and your goals. Perhaps someone is investing their resources in your success.

You might feel some financial pressure around February 13 when warrior Mars enters your chart’s house of intimacy and shared resources. How a partner spends their money can affect your feelings of power and control over your own life. Mars in Aquarius could also motivate you to maintain mutual support. 

Romantic feelings and sentimental connections flow as Venus connects with Neptune, also on February 13, bringing whimsical, romantic vibes. Empathy is high and you can really paint people in a romanticized light.

Extra determination to show up for each other and experience reciprocity comes on February 14, when Mars meets with Pluto. There can be a battle over who has more power or say when it comes to money and things that are measured. If someone wants something bad enough, just let them have it.

Things are smoothed over on February 16 as Venus moves into your chart’s house of shared resources. This can be a positive transit for giving and receiving gifts. You can be more thoughtful with how you share time with others. 

You’re able to have conversations about the unexpected, or things in the future that make you nervous as Mercury clashes with Uranus, also on February 16. You and a partner are making a backup plan so that you can both have extra security.

You’re feeling something that you might have never felt before on February 17 as Venus meets with Pluto in this area of the sky for the first time in your lifetime. This aspect can transform your relationships, especially ones with your family. Big feelings about the future and your accomplishments are explored. Be honest with yourself if you feel jealousy or covetousness.

The robotic vibes end and you connect with the flow of things when the sun enters fellow water sign Pisces on February 19, beginning Pisces season. As the sun moves through your chart’s house of travel, beliefs, and higher knowledge, you’re broadening your horizons and thinking more about conceptual ideas.

Relationships dig deeper as Venus meets Mars on February 22: You might have some new insights about the evolution of mankind, and how you and your life and lineage contribute to its shape. You may have new insights into how you use technology, and any related social implications. This is all while trying to stick to what you believe in!

You’re sharing your thoughts, able to put your ideas out there, as Mercury enters fellow water sign Pisces on February 23. With Mercury in this sign, you’re able to talk about your beliefs and spirituality, and on a mundane level, your plans for traveling or any details pertaining to friends or family that are far away.

The full moon in Virgo on February 24 illuminates your chart’s axis of communication. You’re receiving important information on this day; news from afar, or from someone with a lot of knowledge, is filling your cup. This information brings relief and a better understanding of what’s unfolding. Support (emotional or financial) arrives on this day as Venus clashes with generous Jupiter. People care about your success and want to help you out.

Extra motivation and determination arrives on February 27, when Mars clashes with Jupiter, and support from an outside resource can make the dream happen! There’s a shared effort toward a positive direction.

You’re sharing news far and wide on February 28 as Mercury meets with the sun and Saturn, revealing some pretty serious information. Details about secrets or things that normally don’t get discussed are coming to light.

Hopeful discussions about the future are easy to tap into on February 29, when Mercury connects with Jupiter. A positive mindset and outlook is accessible and friendly conversations are had.

Good luck, Cancer, and see you in March!