
Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, October 2019


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Libra season finds the sun illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career and legacy, and you’re partnering with exciting people to reach your goals: You’re always striving toward a new achievement, and Libra season brings you the partnerships you need to get there! Sure, you could get things done alone, but you learned a long time ago that the key to success is delegating the right stuff to the right people so you can focus on whatever it is that makes you talented. Libra season is a time for celebrating your wins and receiving rewards and recognition for your hard work.

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Do watch out, however, for jealousy and obsessive behavior as Venus in Libra clashes with Pluto in your sign, Capricorn, on October 1. This is also a very intense time for romantic relationships. Power struggles, control issues, and surrender are important themes on October 3 as Pluto ends its retrograde in your sign: Are you able to let go of what was so you can transform? Or will you grip tightly to the past? Use this energy to grow and change, not to cling to outdated modes of being.

  • It might not seem like a board game could have the power to offer deep insights into your life, but this one is designed to help you do just that.
  • Try a meditative bath for those days when you need to hit “reset” and let go of bad energy.
  • Long-term grudges are erosive and difficult to let go of, but there are ways to help yourself move on from them. Here’s some advice from a few experts.

Communication planet Mercury also enters Scorpio on October 3, finding you eager to network and socialize. A boost in energy toward your professional efforts and public life arrives as action planet Mars enters Libra on October 4. Mars is the planet of war, Libra the sign of peace—an interesting pairing, indeed! You’ll find yourself gracefully cutting ties and using your skills in diplomacy at this time, but watch out for passive aggressive behavior.

Communication planet Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, on October 7, bringing unexpected drama to your social life. You might hear shocking news or attend a surprising event. The mood is freethinking and experimental, but watch out for contrarians and know-it-alls. You’re also having to set boundaries, or possibly even be the bearer of bad news on October 7 when the sun clashes with your ruling planet Saturn, currently in your sign. Happily, blessings arrive in your social life on October 8 as Venus enters Scorpio. But on October 12, watch out for more drama in your social life as well as unexpected turns in your love life as Venus opposes Uranus. You’re eager to try something new, and you may find that your tastes are changing—let yourself take a risk and do something different. You’re not the type to get bored, but you’re especially eager to shake things up right now.

A lucky full moon in Aries lands on October 13, with the sun making a harmonious connection with jovial Jupiter! This is an emotional full moon, bringing a climax to a situation that’s been brewing at home and in family life. Now is an important time to connect with your ancestors and energetically cleanse your home: A big release is taking place around a long-held, emotionally charged issue. On a more mundane level, you might be moving or renovating; use the full moon’s energy to purge whatever you don’t want to carry with you any longer into your new space! The sun’s connection with Jupiter points to a leap in emotional growth and an inspiring energy for deep, inner work.

October 14 finds messenger planet Mercury making a helpful connection with Saturn and creating a supportive energy, especially around discussions about the future. It’s a great time to hammer out details with groups or associations you want to work with. Again, be mindful of egos and control issues that may emerge as the sun clashes with Pluto that same day. Stay flexible, but if you feel like someone is being manipulative or shady, bring in a third party to help mediate any disagreements.

An especially empathetic energy flows in your communications on October 15 as Mercury connects with Neptune. This is also an amazing time to explore your spirituality or read up on intuitive development. Secrets are shared and intriguing news comes your way on October 19 as Mercury connects with Pluto. You’re feeling appreciated and secure, especially in your social life, on October 20 as Venus connects with Saturn. Romance flows on October 21 as Venus connects with Neptune, creating a perfect vibe for being whisked off your feet. Even if you’re not in the mood for love, this is a brilliant time to connect with people on a deep level. Vulnerability is a strength, and you’re wielding it beautifully as Venus dances with the planet of limitlessness, Neptune.

  • Book a sound meditation experience for yourself or with friends and see how your body and mind responds!
  • Set the mood for a romantic date night in with the right music. Make sure you have a quality speaker to play all your favorite tunes.
  • Spend some time with your feelings of vulnerability and get to know what parts of it make you stronger. A guided retreat like this one can help you self-reflect and introduce you to others working through similar emotions.

If Libra season is all about your career, Scorpio season, which begins on October 23, is all about the fun you have after work: the hobbies you enjoy, the groups and associations you work with toward causes you’re passionate about, and the space you make for yourself to imagine the future. October 25 is an especially intriguing day to network as Venus connects with Pluto, finding you mingling with VIPs. Watch out for frustration on October 27 as warrior planet Mars runs into the big brick wall that is Saturn: Rejection is in the air, and no one is very happy about it. That said, October 27 is also the new moon in Scorpio, so make time to slow down. A new cycle is beginning, especially in your social life. It’s natural to feel unclear about the future at this time, but things are only just beginning!

A rebellious energy is in the air on October 28 as the sun opposes Uranus, bringing drama descending onto your social life yet again. You may witness a few breakups and even go through some of your own if you and your partners are inflexible not just in your love life, but in your creative partnerships as well. Fortunately, a lighter, easier energy for connecting takes place as chatty Mercury meets charming Venus on October 30, bringing a fun energy to your social life! Many of the conversations and decisions you have and make this month will be reconsidered over the next few weeks thanks to Mercury retrograde, which begins on October 31 in Scorpio. Avoid starting new projects; instead, try picking something back up that was on the back burner. Expect to run into old friends, but avoid traveling or making big purchases at this time, and watch out for miscommunications and delays. Good luck this month, Capricorn, and see you in November!