
Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, October 2023


The sun in Libra lights up the romance and creativity sector of your chart, making it a marvelous time of year to flirt, have fun, and generally enjoy life! Exciting celebrations could take place and if you haven’t been having enough fun lately, the sun in Libra encourages you to change that. A new romance could blossom, or you and an established partner could rekindle your flame. You may be beginning a new art project, or having a creative breakthrough in a project you’ve already been working on.

Just watch out for communication issues as your ruling planet Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces on October 2. Misunderstandings could take place at home or at work, or regarding the line between your personal and professional lives. This may be a good reminder to set boundaries between these two areas of your life!

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Communication issues improve vastly as Mercury connects with Pluto in Capricorn on October 3. A deep, emotional discussion could take place. Hazy Neptune opposite Mercury may have found details being confused, but Mercury’s alignment with incisive Pluto reveals new information and helps you get reorganized. Mercury enters Libra on October 4, which might also bring good news your way. Flirtatious banter abounds! People feel especially open-minded and collaborative, willing to hear each other out.

Mars in Libra squares off with Pluto and Venus enters Virgo on October 8. Mars’s clash with Pluto stirs up intense discussions about values, desire, loyalty, and power. If someone feels they are owed something, they might feel especially frustrated about it at this time. Fair give-and-take are huge themes at this moment. People may feel especially sensitive and short-tempered. The pressure to take decisive action is on, but it would be wise to get a variety of opinions before making a choice. Venus entering Virgo brings a shift in energy, and inspires a warm, caring atmosphere in your personal life. Good news about home or family could arrive. Venus in Virgo is fantastic for connecting emotionally with a romantic partner and bringing them deeper into the fold, perhaps by meeting your family, learning more about your history, or simply spending more quality time together. 

Venus opposes Saturn in Pisces and Pluto ends its retrograde on October 10. Venus’s opposition with Saturn can find you setting important boundaries in your personal life and at work. You may have to reject an offer at this time. Responsibilities are a big focus, and you might have to set some time to focus on bigger issues. Rearranging your focus like this can be frustrating, and it might be hard to communicate this shift, but your time and energy is limited and prioritization is key at this moment. Similarly, if someone else needs to step back from a commitment they made to you, try to give them some grace. It doesn’t mean things can’t work out later! Pluto ending its retrograde in Capricorn can also bring a financial shift, as resources may be reallocated. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

Mars enters Scorpio on October 12, inspiring a hugely productive atmosphere! New gigs could come your way, and you may be wrapping up a big project over the coming weeks. This can also be a great time to kick an old habit; your motivation to begin a new wellness routine is high. Mars aligns with Saturn on October 13, which bodes well for making commitments and setting goals. A supportive energy flows in your career, too, and it’s an exciting moment to lead change where you work, or explore new career opportunities.

A solar eclipse in fellow air sign Libra takes place on October 14, marking the beginning of an important new cycle in your life. The situations that unfold at this moment could have a destined feeling about them! A new romance may bloom, or you and a partner might be connecting in a new way. You could discover a new passion that transforms your life, perhaps a creative pursuit or a hobby that fills you with joy. A celebration that marks an important milestone or change in your life takes place.

The sun meets Mercury and Mercury squares off with Pluto on October 20, making for a period of important realizations and intense discussions. The sun’s meeting with Mercury in Libra can find you and a romantic partner having a big discussion, or you might discover something important about yourself regarding your happiness. Mercury’s clash with Pluto pushes us to be brutally honest about what we want.

The sun squares Pluto on October 21, so people might feel quite sensitive about getting their way. Control issues and power struggles could arise! People might be especially inflexible. Not getting what we want may feel especially threatening. The best way to work with this energy is to let go of old expectations and embrace what we have in the present. Forced gratitude gets us nowhere, but a solid session of venting to a friend or journal, and truly airing our complaints could help us make space to reflect on what we are grateful for. We can’t genuinely access gratitude if we are forced to ignore our disappointments, and indeed, gratitude could be the key to working with this energy. 

Venus aligns with Jupiter in Taurus, Mercury enters Scorpio, and Mercury connects with Saturn on October 22, making for a busy day! A powerful emotional breakthrough takes place as Venus connects with Jupiter. A deep emotional bond can form. This alignment bodes well for romance, and for connection and compassion in any sort of relationship.

Mercury entering Scorpio can help you organize your to-do list and calendar, boost communication with colleagues, or bring news about a gig or project. Mercury’s alignment with Saturn is great for organizing and completing paperwork, making important phone calls, connecting with mentors or bosses, and making plans and commitments. Scorpio season begins on October 23, inspiring a productive atmosphere, and the sun connects with Saturn on October 24, which also spells a supportive atmosphere for accomplishing your work, making future plans, and solidifying yourself as an important team member or leader, in whatever field!

A lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place on October 28, which could be a big reminder from the universe not to overwork yourself! So much of Scorpio season focuses on productivity, but part of being productive is also making time to rest. Without adequate sleep and time to relax, you won’t have the stamina to get things done.

Eclipse have a fated feeling about them, and if your schedule is overbooked, it might feel like things are being rearranged for the higher purpose of giving you more room to rest. Perhaps this is frustrating, especially if you have big goals you want to accomplish! But overworking yourself can be a bandage for a bigger issue, and this eclipse calls you to look inward and examine what you have been ignoring. Your dreams could be active at this time, so this is a powerful eclipse for journaling about your dreams and exploring your imagination. You might also feel called to explore your spirituality. Connecting with your inner voice and exploring your psyche may also be highlighted at this time. 

Mars and Mercury sit opposite Jupiter during this eclipse, so negotiations could be especially thrilling: People might be making grand gestures, spill gossip, or generally be a bit “extra.” If people have been holding back from saying or doing something, it could all spill out at this time. Mercury meets Mars on October 29, which can find discussions moving along quickly, especially when it comes to the projects you’re working on. While the eclipse calls you to slow down and rest, the other planetary alignments are still moving things along, and Mercury’s meeting with Mars could find plans coming together very quickly. 

Venus aligns with Uranus in Taurus on October 31, perhaps bringing unexpected thrills your way! An emotional breakthrough can take place. Something could suddenly “click,” and you might feel relieved of an old worry or burden. A lightness is in the air!

Good luck this month, Gemini, and see you in November!