
Monthly Horoscope: Leo, April 2023


The sun in Aries illuminates the sector of your chart that rules travel, learning, and new experiences! Exciting new opportunities could come your way, and your reach is growing. Your words can be influential at this time. You might be traveling or planning your next adventure. You could be working on publishing something, or find yourself wowing crowds at speaking engagements. Your focus may also be on school, or you might simply be eager to learn about new topics.

Communication planet Mercury enters Taurus and activates the sector of your chart that rules your career, finding you sharing or receiving news about your work or life in the public eye. Important writing or communication about your career takes place at this time. News about your achievements may spread! Mercury also squares off with Pluto in Aquarius on April 3, finding you and a partner (in love, business, or otherwise) having an intense discussion about future plans. A power dynamic is shifting. Important information may come to light. Mercury connects with Saturn in Pisces on April 5, which bodes well for discussing commitments, especially with people who are eager to invest in you and your work.

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The full moon in Libra takes place on April 6, illuminating the communication sector of your chart, perhaps bringing a climax to a discussion that’s been brewing. Again, details could emerge! The answers you’ve been looking for can be found. A communication breakthrough may take place. You might hear from someone—or reach out to someone—you’ve been wanting to speak with. Libra is all about harmony, so this is a brilliant time to find compromise. You can feel mentally busy, perhaps juggling paperwork and phone calls, so take time away to rest if you can, and cut down on screen time.

Venus in Taurus connects with Neptune in Pisces on April 7, inspiring a whimsical, creative, and romantic atmosphere! Special gifts could be exchanged. Beauty and pleasure can be discovered in the most mundane, everyday—and perhaps unexpected—places. This is also a powerful time to express gratitude to the people who support you. Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow on April 7, which means that the plans and ideas brewed up between now and when the retrograde begins on April 21 could be reworked or revisited.

Mercury connects with Mars in Cancer on April 8, which can find you feeling like you’re accessing power from some unknown well of strength within you! Emotional breakthroughs take place as you explore hidden strengths and talents. Discussions may be moving along quickly. Excitement stirs in your social life, and you’re feeling especially popular as Venus enters Gemini on April 11. Venus in Gemini could find you and your crush connecting on an intellectual level. You and an established lover may be reconnecting as friends, having fun and feeling playful together! Venus in Gemini is sweet, flirtatious, and lighthearted. You may feel a sense of detachment about your love life or your financial situation (Venus rules love and money), but not in a negative or uncaring way. It’s just that you might find it easy to step back from your situation to assess it intellectually.

Venus also connects with Pluto on April 11, which can mean forming a deep, spiritual bond with someone! April 11 also finds the sun meeting with Jupiter in Aries, finding you feeling especially lucky and open to new opportunities. Venus squares off with Saturn on April 14, and you may be reaching an important turning point in your relationships. Venus is all about intimacy and connection, but Saturn’s focus is on business and boundaries: The two combined aren’t the coziest, most romantic alignment, so it might not be the most flirtatious day of the month. However, it could be a great opportunity to discuss and set boundaries, make your expectations clear, and perhaps to say no to something you don’t want.

The solar eclipse in fellow fire sign Aries takes place on April 20, which can find you embarking on an adventure you never expected, but still feels fated or meant-to-be in some powerful way! You might learn something new that totally alters your worldview. You could be exploring your spirituality in some deep way, or visiting a place or exploring a subject that stirs something deep within. Also on this day, the sun squares off with power planet Pluto, which could find you examining themes like power and control in your relationships. A clash of egos may take place. This could be a time when you realize which partnerships are truly worth your energy. The sun also enters Taurus on April 20, brightly illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career and life in the public eye: This is an exciting moment for you to be in the spotlight, receiving recognition and reward for your talents and hardwork!

Mercury retrograde begins in Taurus on April 21, which may find you revisiting career plans and projects you previously had to put on the backburner. You could be running into old colleagues or bosses, and showing off how far you’ve come! Old contacts could get back in touch with news. That said, communication might slow down a bit, and miscommunications or delays may be in the mix. Save work that requires deep focus on details for another time. Create time to rest! Mercury retrograde wants us to slow down. Mercury retrograde will end on May 14, when misunderstandings clear up and discussions begin moving more swiftly, and Mercury will clear its post-retrograde shadow on June 1, when your attention shifts to new plans, ideas, and projects.

Mercury retrograde connects with Mars on April 23, which could mean revisiting plans or discussions that were explored around April 8. The sun mingles with Saturn on April 25, which may find you working out a plan to tackle your bills, debts, taxes, or other complex financial issues, and perhaps working with partners to plan for financial security. Unexpected opportunities could arrive as Mars connects with Uranus in Taurus on April 29, and the work you produce at this time may be especially experimental or new and exciting for your audience.

Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in May!