
Monthly Horoscope: Leo, September 2023


Finances might be a big theme for you as the sun moves through Virgo. You could be reorganizing your belongings, rethinking your budget, or reconsidering how to build wealth and security. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, too, which could also find you revisiting conversations about money.

You might find yourself feeling forgetful, so be sure to keep track of your keys or phone while you’re out and about. Though Mercury retrograde can spell delays, miscommunication, and frustration, you might find something you previously lost or reconnect with someone you’ve been hoping to see!

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Venus retrograde ends in your sign, Leo, on September 3: While this retrograde was an important period that helped you figure out who you are and what you want, that might have been a heavy emotional load! Things can feel lighter now, and you might be giving yourself a makeover externally or internally, introducing yourself to people in a new way or taking a new approach to relationships.

Mercury aligns with Jupiter in Taurus on September 4, inspiring a fun and friendly atmosphere that’s fantastic for sharing big ideas and perhaps for financial negotiations, too! This could be a great opportunity to share the word about your talents or projects, but Mercury is retrograde, so there may be delays. You might also be thinking back to plans and discussions that were explored around August 9. Jupiter begins its retrograde in Taurus, and you’re assessing which opportunities you want to zero in on. There are many directions you can take in your career, and figuring out your exact goals can help inform your decision.

The sun meets Mercury retrograde on September 6, which could find you having an important discussion or realization about finances. A crucial negotiation might take place. The sun aligns with Jupiter on September 8, perhaps finding you achieving great success! You might be winning a reward or completing a goal. You can feel especially popular at this time, and it’s a great opportunity to promote yourself and your work.

The new moon in Virgo takes place on September 14, helping you gain access to new resources. You may receive financial news, raising your rates, or asking for a raise. You might sell or acquire something special, and taking a new approach to building wealth and security. 

Mercury retrograde ends on September 15, and Mercury clears its post-retrograde shadow on September 30: During this time, discussions about money that were delayed or confused by the retrograde can finally move forward! Also on September 15, the sun aligns with Uranus in Taurus, bringing an exciting and unexpected opportunity. An unexpected gift or reward may arrive.

Venus squares off with Jupiter on September 17, which can find you thinking back to some fun you had on August 22. Perhaps you’re showing up for, or arranging, a second installment! This can be a spectacular time to increase your influence and following, like returning to a venue to showcase your talents. You feel elated at this time, and romance is also in the air—however, the sun opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 19, and a slower, sleepier energy flows. It might be disappointing to slow things down after experiencing such a rush, so find ways to stay grounded and don’t get swept up by fears or fantasies. Be smart about how you spend your money and try to embrace taking a break. If a deal sounds too good to be true, trust your instincts.

A breakthrough can be made in a project as the sun aligns with Pluto in Capricorn on September 21. Your influence is especially strong, and you could be breaking an old habit in your personal life. Communication is kicked up as Libra season begins on September 23. The start of Libra season also marks the equinox, a powerful time of rebalancing in your life, dear Leo. Is there something you want to get off your chest? Or information you’re looking for? Opening lines of communication can bring the peace of mind you seek.

Mercury connects with Jupiter on September 25, finding you thinking back to discussions that took place on September 4 and August 9. This alignment is especially fun and easygoing as people are in an open-minded, collaborative mood. Exciting plans may be in the works. Connecting with people feels especially easy during this alignment and you can have productive discussions about money!

A full moon in fellow fire sign Aries takes place on September 29, finding a conversation coming to a head. Information may be revealed and you might gain a new perspective. An important journey can reach a conclusion, and you’re leaving old things behind as new horizons open up for you. You might be completing research or focusing on writing or publishing something.

Also on this day, Venus squares off with Uranus, bringing unexpected attention. The public may be catching on to your talents! A discussion that took place around August 9 might be revisited. Mercury also aligns with wildcard Uranus on September 30, which could bring surprising information, help, or rewards.

Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in October!