
Monthly Horoscope: Virgo, October 2023


The sun in Libra lights up the financial sector of your chart, which could make it an exciting time for negotiations! You may be getting a raise, raising your rates, or taking a new approach to building wealth and security in your life. Communication issues might frustrate you early this month as your ruling planet Mercury in your sign opposes Neptune in Pisces on October 2. A misunderstanding between you and a partner might take place, or there may be a delay in sending or receiving details. People can feel lazy, unfocused, or sleepy.

But don’t worry, Virgo, the mood shifts quickly: Details become clear as Mercury connects with Pluto in Capricorn on October 3. This can be an effective time to do research and dig up information. A deep, meaningful discussion may also take place. A passionate message is shared! Mercury enters Libra on October 4, which also boosts financial communication. News about your finances arrives, and it’s a productive time to deal with paperwork concerning money or security.

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An issue regarding money, jealousy, and power could become a frustration as Mars in Libra squares off with Pluto on October 8. People may be very secretive, and someone’s shady side can be revealed. Tempers could be especially short, too. Take the high road and set boundaries, especially regarding your time, money, and energy. Fortunately, Venus enters Virgo on October 8, bringing you a boost of popularity and finding people eager to connect with you. You may be especially charming and attractive to others at this time! 

Venus opposes Saturn in Pisces on October 10, finding you making important agreements and setting firm boundaries and expectations with partners. Venus is all about love and beauty, but the mood at this time is not very romantic! Focus is on business, or other themes that require detachment, focus, and wisdom. This isn’t the best time to ask for a favor, attempt any schmoozing, or horse around. This period is for drawing limits and taking care of responsibilities. Also on October 10, Pluto ends its retrograde, marking an important turning point in your love life or your creative endeavors. An old paradigm is shed and new methods take their place. Something you felt was critically important could now seem nearly meaningless. This might be confusing, but also liberating! 

Mars enters Scorpio on October 12, revving up the communication sector of your chart. Discussions are moving forward quickly at this time. You might also connect with someone who is a powerful speaker, or who shares news that is motivating and inspiring. This can be a productive moment to complete paperwork, and Mars aligns with Saturn on October 13, creating a supportive atmosphere for drawing up agreements and discussing future plans. You and a romantic or business partner could reach a good, mutually beneficial agreement. 

A solar eclipse in Libra takes place on October 14, marking a tremendous turning point in your finances. Eclipses are all about big reveals, and you could discover a huge talent of yours (which you might choose to capitalize on) or learn that you own something of great value. Or, you might simply realize how you are holding yourself back from achieving goals and gaining material success. You could be making a big change to how you manage your finances at this time. 

The sun meets Mercury and Mercury squares off with Pluto on October 20, finding you having some intense discussions about money. A new financial discussion could begin, but big secrets or surprising information could also come to light.

Control issues and envy are stirred up, and as the sun squares off with Pluto on October 21, taking care of any concerns that come up might feel extremely pressing. If you’ve been throwing money at a problem or spending cash just to keep up appearances, you might be under considerable stress at this time. Use this as a wake-up call to stop spending frivolously and look at why you’re trying to present a certain facade. Or perhaps you’ll be watching people in your life struggle with coming to terms with what they want and what they can actually afford. This is a powerful time to reset, rework your budget, and take a new approach to finances. 

A hugely romantic atmosphere flows on October 22 as Venus aligns with Jupiter in fellow earth sign Taurus! You and a romantic partner can connect on a deep, intellectual level. You could be taking a trip together, or you may be traveling on your own and having an especially fantastic time. You could see something that fills you with awe. If you share this experience with a partner, it could be a bonding one. A feeling of growth and abundance flows.

Mercury also enters Scorpio on October 22, and aligns with Saturn on this day, helping communication flow and inspiring a grounded, focused, responsible atmosphere that’s fantastic for making agreements. Scorpio season begins on October 23, continuing to help communication along and bringing new information your way. The atmosphere in your local neighborhood is also very lively at this time. The sun connects with Saturn on October 24, finding you and your partners working together effectively as a team, and this alignment also bodes well for making plans and commitments.

A lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on October 28, bringing a discussion that has been brewing to a head. Information could come to light, and now that you know what you know, your perspective is forever changed! Old ways of thinking about things can be released, and the way you communicate sees a shift. If you’ve been looking for answers, this eclipse might deliver them. Seemingly disparate pieces of information you’ve been trying to put together can finally start making sense, a tricky problem could be solved, or something that’s been puzzling you might finally click. 

This can also be an especially meaningful time to travel. This eclipse finds you someplace that feels destined for you to be in. You could meet people or learn ideas that greatly inspire you and change your worldview. This might also be a powerful moment for you if you’re in school. You could connect with a teacher who changes your life, or make important strides toward a scholastic goal. 

Mars and Mercury sit opposite Jupiter during this eclipse, so some drama is likely to take place. Eclipses already have a reputation for bringing big, shocking reveals, and when Jupiter is in the mix, you can bet things will be even more theatrical. Someone could share a story with an absurd amount of twists and turns, or you might witness people making grand gestures that make unflappable you blush. Discussions move along quickly after this eclipse as Mercury meets Mars on October 29: Eclipses can be emotional, and while you’re sorting through a lot of feelings, you may be ready to make a move or have a big conversation.  

Venus aligns with Uranus in Taurus on October 31, bringing an unexpected opportunity your way! An exciting adventure may begin. Virgos love their routines, but you might feel especially experimental at this time, and big thrills could come your way! Unexpected romance could blossom, perhaps with a new crush or an established flame. Fun and creativity can be found in unexpected situations.

Good luck this month, Virgo, and see you in November!