
Mum Dance: I Asked My Mum To Review August’s Best New Tracks

Mum Dance is a column where we make our mother’s listen to our favourite tracks of recent weeks, and ask them to text us their response. This months mother-in-resident is THUMP staff writer Angus’ mum.

My mum, for all the stress and intimidation the music apparently caused her, quite enjoyed reviewing the best electronic and dance music to have come out in July, so when August came to an end she was keen that I ask her again. Why not? I thought. She did such a sterling job last time, describing Rustie’s “silly sounds”, and even weathering a moth flying up her skirt at one point. So, this morning, I sent her some tracks and got her to text me her thoughts…

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Kahn, Commodo and Gantz – “Bitchcraft”


This is why the new school of dub step and bass is so promising. This cut, from Kahn, Commodo and Gantz’ collaborative LP Volume 1, moves elegantly but threateningly, dicing Eastern instrumentation with a crackling underbelly.


George Fitzgerald – “Full Circle (Bonobo Remix)”


Yes, this one is very nice. Not exactly something you’re going to be sweating it out to at four in the morning. BUT Bonobo, and Fitzgerald, do an excellent job with a vocal that could sound a wee bit hackneyed, taking it to delicate and touching places. Early evening, bubble bath house.


Floating Points – “Silhouettes”


We couldn’t be more excited for the arrival of Floating Points’ debut album if we tried. Especially given its announcement with the soaring sounds of “Silhouettes”, and the mind-blowingly beautiful visuals that have accompanied it. An ethereal treat and a sign of what is to come.


*Following a bit of research I’ve worked out The Swinging Rascals are a Rat Pack cover band my mum’s mate Mike is in.

Lipelis – “Weirdshit Xu Paelk w. Simple Symmetry”


We’ve made our love for L.I.E.S. explicitly clear, and releases like this only reinforce exactly why that is. It’s not actually what you necessarily consider typical of the label’s output, but the weirdo ethos, and refusal to behave like anything else is completely in keeping with imprint. Freaky grooves all over this one.


*Mum later sent me this track as a representation of the “weirder shit” she is into.

Qnete – “A Luv Jam”


The work of producer Qnete comes into fullest vision on this debut release for Lobster Theremin. The Lessons in Finding EP, headed up by “A Luv Jam” is a refreshing exercise in breezy, building house. It’s wonky, groovy and feels completely at home on Asquith’s label.


His Mum hasn’t got Twitter yet, but you can follow Angus here.