
New Orangutans, Sandi Gets Scolded, and SetNov Said What?: The VICE Evening Bulletin

Indonesia News

New Orangutan Species Found in North Sumatra
It’s finally official—orangutans in Tapanuli, North Sumatra, became the third and rarest species of the great apes on the planet. Tapanuli orangutans are bearded and frizzy-haired—and there are fewer than 800 of them. They’re found only in the high-elevation forest called Batang Toru. It’s predicted that their split from Sumatran and Kalimantan orangutans happened around 3.4 million years ago. —National Geographic Indonesia

Setya Novanto to Golkar Party Members: Avoid Corruption
At a ceremony in Yogyakarta, SetNov reminded Golkar members that “local governments have to be accountable, transparent, and avoid corruption.” It was unclear whether or not he was joking. The Golkar chairman is still yet to be questioned by the anti-graft commission for the national electronic ID graft case. —Tempo

Videos by VICE

Sandiaga Uno Gets Scolded By Ojek Driver
The Jakarta’s vice governor was jogging to work when several ojek drivers driving recklessly came too close to him. When Sandi told them to be more careful, an ojek driver got angry at him. “He probably didn’t know who I was, but his friends did, and apologized,” Sandi told local media. —Detik

Research Shows Decline in Purchasing Power, Not E-Commerce, Hurts Brick-and-Mortar Retailers
Yes, more people are shopping online nowadays. But the real reason why people are not going to stores to buy staples like food and toilet papers is because of the decreasing purchasing power of the lower middle class. The population has not seen significant salary increase—if at all—to keep up with increasing living costs. —Katadata

International News

Malaysians Not Impressed With ‘Nasi Lemak’ Miss Universe Dress
Malaysians typically view nasi lemak with a sense of national pride. So much so that a McDonalds nasi lemak burger was enough to spark a burger war online. But when does this love of an iconic dish totally jump the shark. Right about here. Ugh, what a monstrosity. —Straits Times

Need Another Sign of Hong Kong’s Wild Wealth Inequality? Look at This $149 Million House
Ah, Hong Kong, the home of the coffin apartment and this four bedroom, 853 square meter home complete with a swimming pool, private elevator, and multi-million dollar views of the skyline and Victoria Harbor. But how much longer can this property market last? Experts now say the city is sinking deeper into bubble territory, so maybe not for long. —Bloomberg

Japanese Families of Those Kidnapped By North Korea Plead With Trump for Help
It’s hard to believe, but there was a period in the 1970s and 80s that North Korean spies were kidnapping Japanese citizens off the streets and sprinting them away to the hermit kingdom. That was decades ago, but, so far, no one has been able to help. Now the families are trying their luck with US President Donald Trump—visiting with the leader during his trip to Japan. —Reuters

Facebook Makes a Mess of Cambodia’s News Sites at the Worst Possible Time
Talk about poor timing. The social media company is testing a new version of its feed, one that separates news stories from those annoying cat photos your aunt keeps posting. They chose Cambodia as one of their test markets, but at the worst possible time. Cambodians get most of their news from Facebook and the company decided to run its experiment right when PM Hun Sen started to shutdown independent news sites and dissolve the only opposition party—all huge stories that suddenly vanished from most Cambodians’ news feeds. —VOA

Everything Else

Beyonce Is Starring in the ‘Lion King’ Remake
Beyonce has confirmed on Facebook what’s been rumoured for months: that she’ll be starring in a remake of Disney’s The Lion King, voicing the character of Nala, the lioness who ends up marrying Simba.—VICE

The Case Against Our Obsession With Public Universities
Families spend millions to get their children into public schools, but it’s not worth it. The Big Three may have the name, but they’re no guarantee for success. —VICE

Future Funerals: How Death Is Slowly Being Disrupted
Startups, 3D-printed urns, and digital tombstones. The tech sector is trying to change the way we die. —VICE

There’s a Huge Secret Vault in Giza’s Great Pyramid, and Nobody Knows Why
Scientists discovered it with the help of cosmic rays. I know, it sounds like something out of Ancient Aliens, but trust me, it’s true. —VICE