News of Zealand: Tax is Coming for Online Shopping

Everything you need to know about the world today, curated by 95bFM and VICE NZ.


Tax for Online Shopping Starts Today
The government is expected to announce the new “Amazon tax” today. Currently, only online purchases that cost over $400 are taxed. The tax will see GST applied to all online orders under $400 and is expected to raise around $64 million in its first year. Some people criticised Labour for the tax as the party committed to no new taxes in its first term.

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Asthma Numbers Double
The number of Kiwi kids hospitalised with asthma has doubled since 2002. New Zealand has one of the highest rates of asthma in the world, with 15 percent of New Zealand affected. More than 70 New Zealanders die every year from the disease. University of Otago associate professor Jim Reid says as cold and flu season approaches, people with asthma need to watch out for attack symptoms. Over 500,000 New Zealanders are estimated to need medication for the disease.

Kauri Tracks Closed for Dieback
From Tuesday only a few tracks will be open to the public in the Waitakere ranges to prevent the spread of Kauri dieback disease. 20 percent of Kauri are now affected by the disease, which eats away at the roots of the trees. The majority of the disease is caused by human movement through the ranges, bringing in contaminated soil. Residents of the area support the closure as they say people are ignoring the rāhui placed by the local iwi last year.

BP Price Hike
The government has criticised fuel giant BP’s pricing tactics in the lower North Island. BP is accused of raising petrol prices at areas near its Otaki petrol station to reduce sales losses. Residents want the tactics stopped. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says that BP’s behaviour is unfair to motorists and the government wants answers. BP says that the pricing tactics is responding to local competition. The company will be meeting with Energy Minister Megan Woods later this week.


UK Home Secretary Quits After Windrush Scandal
Sajid Javid replaces Amber Rudd as the home secretary of the United Kingdom. Rudd resigned on Sunday, after allegations that she mislead the House of Commons on the Windrush scandal. The scandal meant hundreds of Jamaican migrants in the United Kingdom are facing deportation, despite some living in the country for 50 years. Javid said he would do whatever it took to put the problems right while questioned by opposition MPs on Monday.

Egypt Bans “Fake” Weather Reports
Egypt is targeting fake weather reports with a ban on all unauthorised forecasts. The head of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority, Ahmed Abdel-Al has announced that only the government can make weather announcements. He adds that the bill will punish those who predict the weather online without the EMA’s consent. False weather reports are rare, the bill comes as pressure builds on Egyptian media to not produce fake news. The Egyptian state has blocked just under 500 websites in the past year.

Avengers Rakes in the Cash
Marvel’s new film Avengers: Infinity War has made history, after raking in an estimated US$630 million on its opening weekend around the world. The superhero sequel overtakes last year’s The Fate of the Furious movie, which was previously the biggest global success at $542 Million. Domestically in the US, Infinity War has also set an opening weekend record, making $250 million. The film has yet to screen in China.

Additional reporting by Leonard Powell, Grace Watson, Justin Wong