
Photos Inside the Bronzed World of Professional Bodybuilders

Due bodybuilder sorridenti

This article originally appeared on VICE Germany.

Professional bodybuilding can be a thankless task. The effort to recognition ratio is all skewed: the endless hours spent in the gym sculpting yourself to competition standards are rarely matched by the financial rewards. Unless you’re Mr Olympia, you’re likely going home a few grand and a chintzy little trophy you could pick up off the shelf in your local sports shop.

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But amid the hubbub of the International German Championships, a competition hosted annually by the German Bodybuilding and Fitness Association, Berlin-based photographer Nikolas-Petros Androbik found bodybuilders smiling and looking positively beatific.

Androbik wasn’t in attendance as a photojournalist per se, but as a person fascinated by the physiques on display and the dedication needed to attain them. “It’s amazing what these people achieve,” he tells VICE, adding that he couldn’t help being impressed by their “discipline, stamina, and focus”, even if he finds the amount of meat the average bodybuilder consumes on a daily basis somewhat questionable.

Androbik was also there to cheer on his friend Sven Georgewitsch, who regularly participates in bodybuilding competitions. It was a good day for Georgewitsch, who walked away with the top prize in the classic physique category. “That made me very happy,” said his photographer pal.

Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Composite image. Photo on left is a brunette female body builder holding a gold trophy, photo on the right is a female bodybuilder wearing high heels performing an exercise using elasticated rope backstage at the competition.

Androbik says that he got pretty bored pretty quickly with what was going on at the front of the stage, so he made his way to the back entrance, peering behind the scenes until he was eventually ushered in. “They were all super nice,” he said.

From a distance, he admits that he was intimidated by the huge, and hugely serious-looking, mountains of muscle. Up close, everyone he encountered was open and friendly. “They were happy that someone was taking photos that were a bit different.”

Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography -
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Two bronzed bodybuilders, cropped from the neck down, pose for the camera with gold trophies in their hands.

Androbik’s use of flash illuminates the bodies with merciless, ultra-HD detail. This, along with the bronze body paint the competitors slather themselves in before taking to the stage, gives them the look of ancient Greek deities.

He says that photographing the subjects was easy backstage because the hard work happens on stage. They’ve been restricting their diet and training for hours, days, sometimes even weeks. Everything rides on those few moments under the spotlights. You pose and strain and then you’re backstage and it’s done. It’s why everyone Androbik pointed his camera at flashed him a smile, he thinks – their work was over.

Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Composite image of three muscular and tanned older men.
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Close-up image of muscular and veined torso and arms, skin is extremely bronzed.
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Four female bodybuilders in bikinis stood in a line.
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography -
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography -
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Two bronzed bodybuilders, cropped from the neck down, pose for the camera with gold trophies in their hands.
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Composite image. Photo on left is a brunette female body builder holding a gold trophy, photo on the right is a female bodybuilder wearing high heels performing an exercise using elasticated rope backstage at the competition.
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Composite image: photo on the left is a smiling female bodybuilder, photo on the right is a smiling male bodybuilder.
The smiling chap on the right is the photographer’s friend Sven.
Nikolas-Petros Androbik, bodybuilding, photography - Row of headless, bronzed, women line up wearing sparkling bikinis.