
Announcing Noisey and JanSport Bonfire Sessions at SXSW: Kehlani, Mick Jenkins, Beach Slang, and More

Are you going to SXSW? Have you been thinking about it, but haven’t really found something that can make you commit? Well, ladies, gentlemen, and non-binaries, we have exactly what you needed to convince you: the inaugural event of the 2016 season of The JanSport Bonfire Sessions! We’ve been doing this for eight years, and honestly it’s one of our favorites, especially the SXSW one, where we’re kicking off Bonfire Sessions season. See an eclectic lineup of acts like Kehlani, Mick Jenkins, Beach Slang, Alex G, and Day Wave, and DJ sets by Noodles and Kristin Kontrol. It doesn’t get more Noisey than this lineup, baby.

We’ll be at Cheer Up Charlies (900 Red River St. Austin, TX 78701), on March 16 to bring together music fans, bands, and a bonfire. Bonus: we’ll have complimentary frosty beverages and free JanSport swag, as if you needed more of a reason to go.

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Here are a few little details you should be wary of:

  • The event is available to both SXSW badge holders and the general public
  • RSVPs for the event are open now at
  • The event is 21+ (sorry, underagers)
  • Admission is free, but space is limited and entry will be granted based on venue capacity, so get there soon!
  • SXSW badge holders will receive priority entry for the event, but there will be ample room for Public RSVPs as well.
  • The first 50 people in line for the event will receive a free JanSport backpack to haul all your sweet SXSW swag in!

If you’re not in Austin for SXSW, don’t fret, The JanSport Bonfire Sessions will return to Montreal and San Francisco. Details on future events will be announced later this spring. Get hype.