This story is over 5 years old.


Tommy Trash Combines Epic Drops and Irish Dancing in “Lord Of The Trance” Video

Tommy Trash commits to his role as “Lord Of The Trance” in his new video featuring dancers Rob Livingston, Brian Puspos, Gigi Torres and more.

What's a dancer without his troupe? We find out as our favorite Aussie beat boy, Tommy Trash takes the title of his track "Lord Of The Trance" to its literal and logical extension. Though we've never seen traditional Irish dancing during one of Tommy's festival sets or at his Wynn Las Vegas residency, we're apparently missing out. His music is made for clogs and high kicks.

In a performance that channels a much cooler Michael Flatley, Rob Livingston is a dancer looking for a place where he can (literally) kick up his heels and get down to some big room house. With a little help from a shadowy and mysterious figure who looks a lot like Trash, our hero dancer is able to not only find his friends but embrace who he really is.


In many ways, this is the sequel to "Ulysses" James Joyce never wrote. Ok, not really, but with some killer synth stabs, legit dancing, and surprise cameo from Tommy, "Lord Of The Trance" is a damn good time.

Director: Shane Valdés
Executive Producer: Joe Uliano
Producer: Eb Richardson
Director of Photography: Ben Griffin
Production Designer: Niko Vilaivongs
Choreographer: Eddie Garcia
Irish Dance Choreographer: Megan Kirk
Lead Irish Dancer: Robert Livingston
Featured Dancers, in order of appearance: Chris Koehl, Tadd Gadduang, Brian Puspos, Michael Lor, Villn Lor, Flexx Fernandez, Stephanie Abrams