
Ones and Zeros: What the Collapse of the South Tower Was Like Inside the North Tower, Homeless Hackers Need Your Help, A New Magazine for Real DIY Makers

One: NASA needs more astronauts (BBC)

Zero: The number of suicides is 25 percent higher for females in China than males in China; in developed countries, male suicides are three times higher than female rates
(China Daily)

One: The best science fiction books according to Reddit

Zero: Thinking about tech companies like cities: Google uses more power than Salt Lake City (New York Times)

One: A new magazine for real DIY makers (The Atlantic)

Zero: Russian space agency determines cause of Soyuz crash (SF Gate)

One: Your smartphone can’t heal acne (IT World)

Zero: Homeless hackers need your help (Beta Beat)

One: Carnegie Mellon opens robot building competitions (Network World)

Zero: What the collapse of the south tower was like inside the north tower