Tech Ones and Zeros: What the Collapse of the South Tower Was Like Inside the North Tower, Homeless Hackers Need Your Help, A New Magazine for Real DIY Makers By Ones Zeros September 9, 2011, 11:00am Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard One: NASA needs more astronauts (BBC) Zero: The number of suicides is 25 percent higher for females in China than males in China; in developed countries, male suicides are three times higher than female rates (China Daily) One: The best science fiction books according to Reddit Zero: Thinking about tech companies like cities: Google uses more power than Salt Lake City (New York Times) One: A new magazine for real DIY makers (The Atlantic) Zero: Russian space agency determines cause of Soyuz crash (SF Gate) One: Your smartphone can’t heal acne (IT World) Zero: Homeless hackers need your help (Beta Beat) One: Carnegie Mellon opens robot building competitions (Network World) Zero: What the collapse of the south tower was like inside the north tower MoreFrom VICE The Spectacular Failure of the World’s Only Hard Rock Theme Park 02.11.19 By Will Caiger-Smith The Impossible Job: Inside Facebook’s Struggle to Moderate Two Billion People 08.23.18 By Jason Koebler and Joseph Cox Shenzhen’s Homegrown Cyborg 03.25.18 By Sarah Emerson What’s Digitization Doing to Health Care? 05.08.17 By Conrad Amenta