‘Orchard Tractors of the Tasmanian Huon Valley,’ Today’s Comic by Gregory Mackay By Gregory Mackay August 27, 2016, 12:00am Share: X Facebook ShareCopied to clipboard Get the VICE App on iOS and Android. Buy Gregory’s comics and visit his website and Tumblr. Videos by VICE MoreFrom VICE 2,200 Forgotten Vintage Computers Are Being Liberated From a Barn in Massachusetts 06.28.23 By Ernie Smith The Wild Story of the Psychic, the Sheikh and the $90 Million Diamond Heist 06.09.23 By Mitchell Prothero Apple Is Trying to Compete With Adobe’s Creative Cloud Dominance 05.11.23 By Ernie Smith LG’s Pricey Adjustable Curve OLED Flex Is a Multi-Class Specialist 04.27.23 By Rob Zacny