Aries collage
Illustration by Amanda Lanzone

Monthly Horoscope: Aries, November 2019

Welcome to Scorpio season, dear ram!

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Sparks fly as love and money planet Venus enters fellow fire sign Sagittarius on November 1! This is a bright start to the month, bringing blessings to the sector of your chart that rules travel, learning, and publishing, despite the fact that Mercury retrograde is causing some delays and misunderstandings. Venus in Sagittarius delivers messages of love from far away and finds you especially valuing your relationships that center a mutual love of learning and travel. Venus in Sagittarius is boisterous and free-spirited—an adventurous atmosphere flows!


The start of November finds your ruling planet Mars in your opposite sign Libra. Libra is the logical, charming diplomat of the zodiac—an unusual placement for brutish Mars, the planet of war! Mars in Libra may find you arguing with partners more than usual, or perhaps the people you’re in relationships with are more aggressive than usual. You may even feel like you’ve lost some of your power! An especially frustrating moment arrives on November 5 as Mars clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, in Capricorn—this certainly isn't the day to pick a fight, since things will be taken to an extreme. You're not afraid of confrontation, but you aren't a fan of cruelty; at this time, the theme of power—and its abuse—is on your mind. You’ll feel some tension in your relationships and career. But a more productive energy flows on November 8 as the sun, Saturn in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces align—it's a powerful time for manifestation, since a supportive energy flows as you try to make the best of the resources and information available to you.

November also begins with communication planet Mercury retrograde in intuitive, strategic water sign Scorpio, finding you rethinking many of the conversations you've had over the last few weeks. You're thinking back to October 19 as Mercury connects with Pluto on November 9; conversations and ideas concerning your career will come up to be reworked. A turning point during this retrograde arrives as the sun and Mercury meet on November 11. You’re gaining an important perspective concerning money (and its trickier aspects, like debts, taxes, and inheritances), grief, and endings. How do you talk about pain, change, and letting go? You may realize something at this time or gain closure that helps you move on or learn about how you mourn the past.


  • It’s wise to to talk things through with someone if you’re working through trickier emotions and memories. If you don’t already have a therapist, you can get paired up with one online.
  • If your past involves intense grudges that still remain with you today, here’s some advice from experts on how to finally let go and move on.
  • Investing can be intimidating and full of confusing jargon, but this book breaks things down for beginners.

Scorpio season is all about letting go, and the full moon in Taurus on November 12 is a critical moment for release this month. A situation that's been building concerning finances or your sense of security comes to a climax. Your ruling planet Mars also connects with philosophical Jupiter in Sagittarius during this full moon, pushing you and your partners to have some deep conversations! Again, you're thinking back to mid-October as Mercury retrograde connects with Saturn and Neptune, finding you restructuring plans and reconsidering fantasies. Also on November 13, the sun connects with Pluto, helping you access resources that can support you in your career.

Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of illusion and delusion, on November 14, and you’re confronting disappointment. Use this time to watch how you respond to dissatisfaction; you can learn a tremendous amount about your coping mechanisms right now. Catch up on rest and give yourself a break. This is a fine time to curl up in bed with a good book—not every moment of your life will be fireworks, dear Aries! Take this moment to reflect on the fantasies you've projected on to others. You may be longing for someone, but is not getting what—or who—you want making you want it even more? Take a step back and reflect on the reality of the situation. You're likely not the only one of your friends who’s experiencing longing, so connect with a bud you can vent with about this issue!


You're ready to sever ties with anything that doesn’t serve your highest good on November 19 when your ruling planet Mars enters Scorpio. This will also activate your finances—especially those debts, taxes, and inheritances we touched on earlier! Fortunately, conversations about these themes will begin moving forward as Mercury ends its retrograde on November 20. Between this point and December 7, when Mercury clears its post-retrograde shadow, financial plans and conversations about endings will begin moving forward.

  • Here’s a witch’s guide to cord cutting that could be particularly helpful for you this month.
  • After Mercury retrograde, clear any bad vibes from your living space with this candle and get communication flowing again.
  • If you frequently find yourself forgetting to your wallet, use a phone wallet that’ll ensure you always have your essentials—ID, credit card, metrocard—with you.

The sun enters Sagittarius on November 22! With Mercury retrograde behind us, communication and travel are much easier, and Sagittarius season usually gives you the itch to get out of town. November 24 is an especially lucky day as Venus meets Jupiter, bringing you blessings from abroad and creating a sweet, flirtatious atmosphere. But watch out for unexpected costs, financial stressors, or an unexpected ending as Mars opposes wildcard Uranus on this day, too.

Venus enters grounded earth sign Capricorn on November 25, bringing good vibes to your career and finding you receiving rewards and attention for your hard work, as well as boosting your popularity! In your relationships, Venus in Capricorn finds you especially valuing partners who support you standing in the spotlight and share your drive for success.

A new moon in Sagittarius arrives on November 26, asking you to take time to reflect on your vision for the future: What are your aspirations? Where do you want to go? What new ideas do you want to learn about? A new opportunity to travel or boost your education may arrive. If you're creating content you want to share with the world, this new moon starts a new cycle for sharing your message. But this is also an especially sleepy new moon, as dreamy Neptune ends its retrograde on November 27. Dust off your dream journal and keep it on your nightstand—some unusual dreams and messages from your inner voice arrive as Neptune changes directions.

You’re thinking back to November 13 as Mercury connects with Neptune on November 28: A recurring dream may arrive, and you may be in a much more private mood than usual. Make time for quiet meditation—your inner voice has much to say. Also on November 28, Venus connects with Uranus, sparking your need for freedom! This is an exciting time in your career and some unexpected financial blessings may come your way. You're in the mood to experiment and are coming up with plenty of wild ideas. You’re thinking back to November 13 again on November 30 as Mercury connects with Saturn, helping you restructure plans and commitments that were derailed by Mercury retrograde. Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in December!