
Islamic Art-Inspired Patterns Become Animated Kaleidoscopes on Instagram


A video posted by Alex Trochut (@trochut) on

Static and animated geometrical ornamentations unite into a hypnotic flow in the moving artworks of Alex Trochut. His Trochumetrics series features intricate mosaics of tessellating stars and hexagons.

Trochut is a New York-based artist working at the intersection between illustration, graphic design, typography, lettering, 3D, and photography. Motivated by the desire create a visual lure, Trochut decided to create the Trochumetrics series based on the “coded language behind nature.” “A triangle that turns into a star and then into and hexagon, brings a somehow feeling of association and connectivity,” Trochut explains to The Creators Project. “These transitions that evolve smoothly from one to the other, bring an internal understanding or a feeling of realization to me.”

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A video posted by Alex Trochut (@trochut) on

One of the primary inspirations for the series was Islamic pattern work, with its repetitive motifs, symmetry, star arrangements, and multi-sided polygons. Trochut says his creative motivations also derive from both the distinct geometric elements and perceptual distortions of M.C. Escher and the harmonious geometrical patterns of Tomas Tomas’ tattoos. As for his process, in order to create a bright visual identity to his elements of mathematical order, Trochut starts to work with straight flat graphics and then adds volume and movement in Cinema 4D. “I’m looking forward now to create these pieces as sculptures or walls, I think that would be the next step,” Trochut adds.


A video posted by Alex Trochut (@trochut) on


A video posted by Alex Trochut (@trochut) on

Click here to see more works by Alex Trochut.


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