
Petite Meller’s Explains the Basics of Freud

Last month we popped over to London to talk to Petite Meller—a leftfield French pop star who also happens to be studying for her masters in philosophy at Sorbonne in Paris. Thus when we interviewed her we thought it appropriate to take a look at her music and how she presents herself through the lens of her studies. In keeping with this theme, above is the premiere of “Petite’s Dictionary to Freud,” which finds her looking exceptional in pale pastels, running around Freud’s beautiful red brick house in London and delivering a beginner’s guide to his teachings.

“Here is a lil‘ dictionary to the basic tags of the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, who has been a big influence on my music,” explains the delicate, well-rouged singer. “I hope you’ll be good students!!”

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