This story is over 5 years old.


Hot Links: Nature's Scariest Mouths, Apple's False Ads, Zombie Bullets

All the important stories from the weekend that you still need to read.

Hope you’re not feeling queasy, because here are the seven most terrifying mouths in nature. Those are some lovely lampreys pictured above.

A professor writes in the NY Times that he’s long wished for software to help students write better, and not just grammatically. With robo-grading now becoming common on standardized tests, his wish may have been (unfortunately) granted.

Read this now: Maria Gunnoe is an anti-coal activist in the heart of West Virginia coal country. As if that wasn’t difficult enough, she recently testified to the House Committee on Natural Resources, with a presentation featuring images of residents affected by coal mining via such things as the poisonous water people have to bathe in. An image of a girl bathing in copper-colored water was included, but House Republicans said she could not use the image, and then alerted Capitol police to question her regarding child pornography.


Guns, religion, and predatory entrepreneurialism: Capitalizing on the recent spate of horrifying cases of flesh-eating, firms selling “zombie bullets” have made a bundle..

Apple has been forced to pay AU$2.25 million to the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission for falsely advertising products as 4G.

Facebook has been ordered by a London court to unmask a bunch of trolls who were tormented a UK mother.

Here’s a very brief Q+A with neuroscientist Daniela Schiller about her work to erase fear.

Microsoft’s release presentation for Windows Azure apparently included an über-rauncy dance routine that included micro/soft penis jokes. Watch part of it above.

Distracted driving is still dangerous, and, as the Washington Post reports, the few apps designed to prevent it (like those that block your phone while you’re moving steadily) really don’t work very well.

A company is making clamshell laptop cases for cell phones, which are powerful enough to be mini-laptops. One less thing to carry, or one more?

European scientists have made a case for returning to the Moon in a soon to be published paper.

Forget Mars, here on Earth we’ve got some deserts full of crazy extremophile microbes.

Some levity to close us out for the day: Here’s a Kickstarter for web-based swordfighting. Swordfighting!

Follow Derek Mead on Twitter: @derektmead.