Photos of the Celebrations in Istanbul after Erdoğan’s Presidential Victory

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was re-elected president of Turkey yesterday, picking up a little over 50 percent of the votes. The victory extends his 15-year rule by another five years.

According to state media, Erdoğan finished almost 20 percentage points ahead of Muharrem Ince, the leader of Turkey’s largest opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP). Ince and the CHP have accepted the results, despite calling the process of the elections “unjust”.

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The win means that Erdoğan is now more powerful than ever, thanks to a constitutional amendment that was passed through a national referendum last year. The result meant that Turkey shifted from a parliamentary system to a presidential one, meaning the president can now act unilaterally on a range of issues without having to get the approval of parliament.

Dutch photographer Joris van Gennip was in Istanbul last night to document events as Erdoğan’s supporters took to the streets to celebrate their win.

Scroll down to see more of Joris van Gennip’s photos.

A rally for opposition party CHP attracted hundreds of thousands of voters the day before the election.
Supporters of Erdogan’s AKP party celebrating after the Turkish president claimed victory.