“You Are”, the new video from New Zealand, producer and songwriter Pikachunes (aka Miles G Loveless), is a tragic tale of young love. The animated video, created by Cameron McDougall, is a tale of boy meets girl on a street corner late at night, boy drives girl to a mountain top, boy and girl drink beer, take pills and mess around. Then some heavy shit goes down.
Taken from Pikachunes’ album Allely, that we premiered back in June, the video is a good accompaniment to the tracks dramatic synths and the intimate refrain, “you are the most important thing in the world to me”. This may seem odd coming from a guy who has just met a girl and driven her to inspiration point but makes sense when you remember he’s also downed some Stellas and pingers.
Videos by VICE
As Miles explains in an email, “Ever since seeing Daft Punk’s video for “One More Time’” I have been obsessed with the use of animation in music videos. “You Are” has such a strong narrative and I wanted the video to follow the story as literally as possible. You’re always told never to work with family, however this project came to life through the vision of my cousin Cameron McDougall who was able to give my words (and beats) imagery and I’m delighted with what we were able to achieve together”
Catch Pikachunes in Melbourne tonight (March 31) at Wesley Anne with Anthonie Tonnon.
‘Allely’ is available from Monday Records.