
Watch Pinegrove Play Three ‘Cardinal’ Cuts on CBS’s ‘This Morning’

New Jersey’s Pinegrove have been on and off of the road since releasing Cardinal, their second album, back in January. It’s a record that, as we said at the time, “mixes the cutting introspection of punk with a tinge of alt-country and unparalleled musicianship.”

They’re gearing up for yet more shows right now—first through Europe, then back through the US with Kevin Devine—and early Saturday, they stopped through CBS’s This Morning for one of the network’s “Saturday Sessions.” The six-piece ran through “Aphasia,” “Angelina,” and “Cadmium,” wringing every drop of emotion from the melodies. “Cadmium” in particular comes through with all the grace of the original.

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But really, it’s all pretty as hell. Check it out below.

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