
Pisces, December 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope

Illustration by Reesa

For romantic, dreamy, and intuitive Pisces: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of December.

The month of December begins with a new Moon in Sagittarius. This lunar placement puts an introspective, reflective energy around our beliefs, principles, and values. By what standards do you wish to live your life? How have the events of the past year aligned or diverged from these guidelines? As we enter the final month of the year, the stars offer an ideal contemplative backdrop to assessing progress thus far and determining the best course of action for the year to come. 

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A challenging square between a waxing crescent Moon and your ruling planet, Neptune retrograde, on December 2 indicates potential strife in this endeavor. But don’t let this discourage you, Pisces. As one of the most sensitive signs in the Zodiac, you tend to be more susceptible to self-deprecation than most. But that’s not what the stars are looking to accomplish here. Finding out that you’ve strayed from your goals can be disheartening at first, but it’s far better to know sooner than later. Now, you can start adjusting. 

On December 6, another celestial roadblock appears: Mars retrograde. This nearby retrograde is similar to Mercury retrograde (which is still underway for a few more days). Motivation decreases, projects can stall, and energy levels will drop. Keep this in mind as you run into obstacles in your daily life. Just because things become more challenging doesn’t necessarily mean you’re making a wrong move. Sometimes, our paths require a little resistance to push through. Neptune returning direct on December 7 will help increase mental and emotional clarity, giving you the foresight to hold yourself firm in the face of hardship. 

A few days later, on December 9, the first-quarter Moon conjoins with your ruling planet under your celestial domain. This particular lunar phase encourages analysis and assessment. Take stock of your relationships, habits, and ambitions. If there is anything that you could stand to release to make life a little easier, now is the time to let go of it. Even with your ruling planet’s recent direct return, you are still liable to fall prey to the warm, fuzzy feelings of nostalgia. Familiarity is not always better, Pisces. Of course, it can be, but a second look could go a long way in saving you heartache in the future. 

December 15 will be a particularly potent day in your celestial forecast. To begin, Mercury returns direct from its retrograde period. Communication will ease. Mishaps and bad surprises will decrease. Capitalize on this energy by re-evaluating beliefs, ideas, or goals. Revisit conversations that you didn’t feel ended on a good note. With Mercury’s intellectual, social energy returning to the external world, navigating these sorts of connections becomes less intimidating. But the significant energy doesn’t stop there. 

This day also ushers in a full Moon in Gemini. Full Moons naturally heighten emotional clarity and intuition. Under Gemini’s influence, this focus becomes more flexible and curious. But be careful, Pisces. A lunar placement like this can manifest in several ways. On the one hand, this malleability makes it easier to adopt and understand new perspectives in the name of personal evolution. But on the other hand, indecisiveness or manipulation can become more likely with no firm values rooting you to the Earth. Keep an open mind. But don’t let it wander. There is such a thing as cautious curiosity.

The potential for this new Moon swinging toward the negative seems more likely due to a tense square between your ruling planet and the Moon. Finding the right balance between your dreams and your reality is a tricky task. Like anything else, it becomes easier with practice. Squares like these signal challenge, not definite dead ends. Let the butterflies in your stomach lead you in the right direction. Our internal cues can tell us more about our external world than we often realize. 

Three days later, on December 18, Neptune forms another challenging alignment with the Sun in Sagittarius. This celestial domain has a far more fiery approach to social interactions than you typically prefer, indicating possible conflict or uncomfortable situations in close relationships. Remember that these difficulties are not cosmic punishments. They’re learning opportunities. Give yourself the grace to feel the negative feelings that might arise alongside them. But there is a silver lining here if you look for it. 

On December 22, your ruling planet directly opposes a last-quarter Moon. The last-quarter lunar phase tends to be more challenging than others due to its managerial, love-it-or-lose-it attitude. This part of the Moon’s natural cycle encourages us to consider behaviors, ideas, or relationships we should release for our own good. The problem, of course, is that knowing what’s best for our own good requires a level of objectivity that isn’t exactly easy to obtain. Leaning on trusted loved ones can make this task marginally less difficult. Even if you’d rather keep your problem-solving in-house, you can do yourself a lot of favors by taking time for a second, third, or even fourth look. 

Two notable cosmic events occur in the final days of 2024. First, the Moon goes dark in Capricorn. The second new Moon of the month couldn’t come at a better time, as the end of the year promotes reflection, planning, and dreaming. However, a coinciding square between Neptune retrograde and this new Moon suggests this celestial downtime won’t be as easy as it might sound. Learning when to move forward with your ideas and beliefs and when to keep them close to the chest can be difficult. 

This tense alignment also occurs between Neptune and the Sun, signaling changes in your life path. Prepare yourself for surprise directional shifts as we transition from this year to the next. Even more importantly, keep your heart open to the idea that these change-ups could be for the better. No one is immune to the universe’s surprises. What begins as discomfort and anxiety can just as easily give way to emotional maturity and progress. If you constantly look for the negative, then the negative will appear. 

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Pisces! See you next month.