
Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, July 2021

Welcome to Cancer season, dear Sagittarius!
Cancer and Leo
Robin Eisenberg

Your attention is on complex financial matters like debts, taxes, and inheritances, as the sun moves through Cancer. Money and how you share resources with your partners are also up for consideration. Emotionally, this is a powerful time to let go of the past, to forgive and forget—Cancer is famous for its love of the past—but for you, Sagittarius, this season is all about tying up loose ends so you can face the future. 


Mars in fellow fire sign Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on July 1, finding you running into blocks around communication, travel, or even schooling. Mars just wants to go, but Saturn’s favorite word is “no!” Things feel intense and heavy; every conversation carries a lot of weight and people are feeling grumpy. Being pinned down or pent up doesn’t suit you at all, dear centaur, and you’re galloping free as Mars clashes with Uranus in Taurus on July 3. Unexpected changes to your routine or itinerary may take place. The sun connects with Uranus on July 5, inspiring a brilliant atmosphere for creative problem solving. An a-ha moment may resolve an awkward situation. 

Mercury in Gemini clashes with Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Leo opposes Saturn on July 6, which creates another pocket of frustrating energy early this month. Confusion that took place during last month’s Mercury retrograde is revisited, especially regarding your relationships and personal life. There’s an air of rejection, and communication difficulty arises as clashing values make it difficult to plan for the future. Venus clashes with Uranus on July 8, encouraging you to release what’s no longer working for you—this is a powerful time to transform your patterns! The same old way of doing things doesn’t work for you anymore, and it’s an exciting moment to experiment and try new things. If you’re partnering with people in love or business who aren’t open-minded about new approaches, you might find yourself eager to break free from those commitments. You need a break from the everyday, and a trip someplace unexpected could inspire and delight you!


The new moon in Cancer takes place on July 9, creating a powerful atmosphere of rebirth. It’s an opportune time to clear a debt, release the past, and find closure. Mercury enters Cancer on July 11, helping you tackle paperwork concerning debts, taxes, and other complicated financial issues, as well as opening up communication with your partners about money. Easy energy flows around discussing issues regarding home and family on July 12 as Mercury mingles with your ruling planet Jupiter, currently in Pisces. Good news may arrive, and people are feeling open-minded and optimistic. 

Venus and Mars meet in fellow fire sign Leo on July 13, creating a fun, competitive atmosphere, and it’s an exciting time for travel and adventure. In your love life, you and your partners are reconnecting about your visions and dreams for the future, your shared goals, and your life philosophies. Finding common ground inspires a fresh start that strengthens your bond! The sun and Neptune connect on July 15, inspiring a spiritually connected energy, as well as boosting your creativity and imagination. 

The sun opposes Pluto in Capricorn on July 17—watch out for power struggles, especially concerning money. Egos clash and control issues are highlighted, but communication breakthroughs and unexpected news may come as Mercury mingles with wildcard Uranus on July 20. Venus enters Virgo on July 21, finding you feeling especially popular in your career. A valuable reward or moment of recognition may come your way! It’s a great time to connect with the public, meet with higher-ups, and generally boost your reputation.


Leo season begins on July 22, finding the sun illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your favorite things: travel and learning! This is a fun, free-spirited, and adventurous time of year for you, Sagittarius. Also on July 22, Venus opposes your ruling planet Jupiter, bringing an over-the-top, fun atmosphere! You’re feeling popular, enjoying the success and rewards coming your way. Just try not to over-indulge: Jupiter is the planet of expansion, but also excess, so keep things measured!

The full moon in Aquarius arrives on July 23, bringing a conversation to an important climax. Information may be revealed! Aquarius is a highly logical air sign, and while full moons can bring drama, this one finds you in an especially analytical mood. You’re taking a detached approach and are in a problem solving mood. 

Messenger planet Mercury connects with Neptune on July 24 and opposes Pluto on July 25, inspiring sympathetic and open-hearted communication, but some intense conversations about money may take place. If someone seems a little too interested in how you spend or save your cash, perhaps take a step back from the partnership or bring in a third party to help mediate. As intense at this moment may be, some important information concerning money, assets, debts, and security may be revealed.

Mercury enters Leo on July 27, bringing you news from afar! Mercury in Leo finds you in a studious mood, eager to learn more about all your topics of interest. If you’re publishing something, this is an exciting time to share what you’ve created! Lucky Jupiter re-enters Aquarius after a quick dip in water sign Pisces on July 28, finding you connecting with your neighbors and neighborhood on a deeper level. Mars opposes Jupiter and enters Virgo on July 29, which may bring a conversions to an excited (but possibly heated) climax before your focus turns squarely to your career. Virgo is the sign of service, and as Mars moves through Virgo, you’re especially concerned with your career, your legacy, and your ability to be of service to the world. It’s an exciting time to tackle your career goals!

Good luck this month, Sagittarius, see you in August!