
Weekly Horoscope: May 23 – 29


The sun connects with generous Jupiter on Monday, May 23, at 7:04 AM, helping people see eye-to-eye. It’s a very diplomatic aspect. The vibe is right! Also on Monday, action planet Mars connects with Mercury at 11:26 PM, which is great for collaborative efforts and making sure that you’re doing the right thing in a way that sits well with everyone.

On Tuesday, May 24, Venus gently connects with Saturn, which is great for the constructive and structured side of relationships. The beginning of the week helps ensure that everyone is on the right page before moving forward. We charge full speed ahead as action planet Mars enters its home sign Aries on Tuesday at 7:17 PM. There is efficiency in doing the first thing first!

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There is a thorough internal investigation happening as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto on Wednesday at 5:48 PM…some detective work is being done! It may be time to confess something, to yourself or to someone else.

On Friday, May 27, Venus clashes with power planet Pluto and there’s a new sheriff in town. Uneven power dynamics in relationships are confronted. This can be a change or transformation in connections based on new leadership or a new regime.

Venus enters its home sign Taurus on Saturday, May 28, at 10:46 AM. Venus in Taurus wants to bring harmony to the material plane, which usually looks beautiful! Venus in Taurus marks a wonderful period to appreciate nature. On Sunday, May 29, action planet Mars meets with Jupiter and things are accelerating! A new two-year cycle begins related to pursuing your dreams. There’s a breaking through of all barriers and borders so that what needs to get done, happens.

All times ET.

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Aries glyph


Believe in yourself as the sun connects with Jupiter, the planet of hope, which is in your sign on and off over the next year and a half. There’s a lot of courage and self-assurance available, so make use of this confidence and positivity. Your planetary ruler Mars connects with Mercury, helping you name things that are more intuitive and out of reach. Venus in your sign connects with Saturn, the planet of commitments, and clashes with power planet Pluto, giving you a deep sense of duty and power as you address feelings of purpose and trust in relationships. Your planetary ruler, Mars, comes home to your sign and meets with Jupiter, giving you extra energy and strength to grow and level up!

Taurus glyphs


You have the opportunity to take a swing at your dreams, giving you another chance to reconsider your goals and objectives as action planet Mars connects with Mercury, which is retrograde in your sign. You might feel willing to take a hike up a mountain alone as your planetary ruler, Venus, connects with solitary Saturn. You’re addressing deeper moral issues as Venus clashes with Pluto. You’re introspective about your beliefs and the role you play in the entire system as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto. You’re coming into yourself as your planetary ruler Venus comes home to your sign. You have extra ambition to confront and overcome your anxieties, fears, and things that you’ve been avoiding as action planet Mars meets with Jupiter, helping you feel safe to attack things that have been lurking in the shadows.

Gemini glyph


Make a birthday wish! The sun in Gemini connects with lucky Jupiter, connecting you with your dreams and vision for the future. You’re in good company. Action planet Mars connects with your planetary ruler Mercury, helping you reconsider your strategy and your approach to authorities in your life. Mercury harmonizes with Pluto, the planet of secrets, bringing a better understanding of your deepest thoughts, and an ability to treat other people—their insecurities and fears—with gentleness and tender consideration. Mars meets Jupiter, accelerating growth in your ambitions and goals. You’re beginning a new two-year cycle in how you chase your dreams, and the pace is picking up!

Cancer glyph


You’re getting a better understanding of how to live up to other people’s expectations and the value that you bring to others as love planet Venus connects with Saturn. You might be thinking about how to leverage this power as Venus clashes with Pluto, the planet of secrets. This can lead to a change or transformation in your relationships or the way that you portray yourself in the public eye. Action planet Mars enters your chart’s house of career and public reputation, giving you more ambition and energy to put yourself out there. Mars meets with Jupiter, accelerating growth in your career and vocation, which aren’t always congruent. Sometimes you’re more known for your passion or your calling than your day job. You’re finding reconciliation and healing in your community and friendships as Mercury harmonizes with transformative Pluto.

Leo glyph


There is extra faith for what the future holds as your planetary ruler, the sun, connects with Jupiter, the planet of hope. Make a wish and consider how you can make a small step toward a big goal. You’re finding ways to get funding and assistance for a public project as Mars connects with Mercury, helping you slowly but surely work collaboratively. Lasting, trustworthy agreements are made with partners as Venus connects with Saturn. You’re getting a deeper look at your job title and role as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto, and considering what you value about your career as Venus enters your chart’s public reputation sector. Mars meets with Jupiter, giving you extra courage to address your worldview and truly fight for your beliefs.

Virgo glyph


Ask for help and you shall receive! You’re able to do some research and ask for assistance when it comes to finding your calling, or working toward the job that you desire. Assistance is accessible as the sun connects with lucky Jupiter, bringing you resources and intelligence to reach new heights and fortunes. You’re able to find solutions to interpersonal conflicts with patience and grace as Mars gently connects with Mercury, encouraging understanding and respect for disagreements. You can see deep below the surface of the issue as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto, the lord of the underworld! Mars meets Jupiter, giving you extra strength to fight for what you think other people need in order to have sustenance and dignity.

Libra glyph


You have extra faith in your relationships and trust can be opened up as the sun connects with Jupiter, the planet of freedom. There’s a lot of trust to be harnessed! There is a sensitivity to boundaries as Venus connects with Saturn, giving you a deeper awareness of limitations in love and commitments. Venus clashes with Pluto, digging up old feelings and buried emotions. You can confront yucky aspects of relationships and come out of the other side reborn. Mars enters your chart’s relationships sector, making you less conflict averse, and meets Jupiter, beginning a two-year cycle of finding diplomacy in your relationships. Intimacy grows deeper and more authentic as Venus enters your chart’s house of shared resources.

Scorpio glyph


Old conversations are coming up again as your planetary ruler Mars connects with Mercury, which is retrograde. Things are pressing your buttons, and conversations are not finished. It’s OK to repeat yourself; people are forgetful! You have extra ambition and drive to take on your tasks and habits as your planetary ruler, Mars, makes itself at home in your chart’s house of work and routine. You feel purposeful and happy when you have your hands busy. Mars meets with Jupiter, giving you extra gas to burn. Locate your furthest target, and find the starting line when it comes to changing your lifestyle. You’re gaining a better understanding of people’s shadows and secrets as Mercury harmonizes with Pluto, the planet of taboo. Venus enters Taurus, bringing harmony and sexiness to your relationships.

Sagittarius glyph


You have a better understanding of your sexuality, your creativity, and the things that make you happy as the sun connects with your planetary ruler, Jupiter. You’re able to connect with people based on these shared interests, hobbies, or passions—it’s a fun time! Action planet Mars connects with messenger Mercury, helping you find collaborators or shortcuts when it comes to your daily tasks. Action planet Mars meets with Jupiter in Aries, beginning a new two-year cycle concerning your libido and chasing after the things that give you a sense of freedom, lightness, and happiness. This is a new beginning in your pursuit of happiness! Maybe it’s time to chase after new pleasures or explore new modes of self-expression.

Capricorn glyph


You’re able to find pleasure in your private chores, work, and personal projects around the home as the sun connects with Jupiter, giving you a new way of gratefully looking down at the foot of the mountain where you began. You have the opportunity to invest in your home and family life as Venus connects with Saturn. You’re extra sensitive to picking up patterns and clue as Venus clashes with Pluto, keeping your finger on the pulse of desires, and feeling extra protective of your heart. Mars enters your chart’s domestic sector, helping you take on your private battles with gusto. It meets with Jupiter and you’re starting a new cycle of success in these private battles. You might be starting a new adventure toward victory!

Aquarius glyphs


You’re continuing to make progress in homemaking as Mars connects with retrograde Mercury, bringing you a new understanding of how to spend your money wisely. Always check out competing marketplaces! Venus connects with your planetary ruler Saturn, bringing you a wise understanding of yourself, your limitations, and your desires. You’re accepting your weaknesses, appreciating them, and knowing how to find a sibling or neighbor who to help support you in your purpose. The planet of communication, Mercury, harmonizes with psychological Pluto, connecting you to your shadow and depths. You’re able to see a part of yourself that is ancient, ancestral, or shared with everyone who came before you. You’re finding love and peace with your home and family life as Venus enters Taurus. You have extra ambition to learn and hone your skills as Mars meets with Jupiter.

Pisces glyph


You’re finding hidden treasures as the sun connects with your planetary ruler, Jupiter, bringing a sense of protection and support in your private life. There is a deep inner peace and faith that things will work out, and a lot of self-confidence and esteem to harness! Connections with family members and colleagues is a highlighted theme. Action planet Mars is fighting its final battles in your sign before it moves on this week. Mars gently contest with Mercury, helping you make peace with things that bother you, or see the things that infuriate you from a new perspective. Mars meets your planetary ruler Jupiter, beginning a new two-year cycle in your relationship with abundance, vocation, and how to share your bounty far and wide.