
A Podcast of Too Many Games: ‘Days Gone,’ Boxboy, Mortal Kombat, More!

Days Gone screen

Everything is interconnected, really. Frasier. St. Elsewhere. Friends. The Apocalyptic zombie-infested wasteland of Days Gone. Wait, really? Maybe. We spend a solid hour of Waypoint Radio talking about Sony Bend’s first big game, on which many large hopes and dreams were hung, but the finished product just doesn’t deliver. Elsewhere (but not St. Elsewhere), we touch on the missed marks of Katana Zero, the delightful puzzling of Boxboy + Boxgirl, and some campy workplace hell in Yuppie Psycho.

Then we go in on Mortal Kombat 11, which holds up the Kombat name in many ways—with a delightfully wacky story and characters, a wild time-traveling ending for Jax—and disappoints in some others, with the casting of famed TERF Ronda Rousey and rumors of unsound labor practices at the studio.

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