
Unlimited Beer, Nudity, Thick-Cut Bacon, and Publicist UK Are Things That You Need In Your Life

The following is a list of things that will truly get my immediate and undivided attention:

– Free beer
– Female nudity
– Thick-cut bacon
– A new project featuring drummer Dave Witte

Videos by VICE

Surely Witte’s considerable skills is something to behold (Municipal Waste, Discordance Axis, Black Army Jacket, Brian Tentacles, etc etc), but then again it’s the songwriting of the projects that he chooses that truly stands out. Case and point, Publicist UK, his new dark post-punk-leaning project that is streaming the new track “Slow Dancing To This Bitter Earth” here at Noisey for the first time. Have at it below.

The rest of personnel of the new band Publicist UK isn’t exactly shabby either. Guitarist and founder David Obuchowski spends his time in the highly underrated Goes Cube, bassist Brett Bamberger’s amazing instrumental chops is/was at the center of Revocation & East of the Wall, and vocalist Zachary Lipez has not only crooned for Freshkills, but also lends his voice to Noisey in a different manner (check out some of his pieces). For more info on the history of Publicist UK, the band commented thusly:

Goes Cube has toured with Freshkills (Zack’s old band), and East of the Wall (Brett’s old band) and [Publicist UK] started when I (David) sent Brett two songs that Zack and I were working on. Brett loved them and we asked him to join as the bass player. That same week, he played it for Dave Witte who dug the music. Brett texted us, “hey can Dave Witte join as drummer.” That was obviously not a difficult decision. It’s been really amazing to collaborate with everyone and for us all to be playing music that’s such a different sound than we’re used to. I’ve known Zack and Brett for a long time now and I’ve spent a lot of time with them on the road. We’ve talked for a very long time about collaborating. To do it with Dave Witte—drummer of so many bands we absolutely love—it’s awesome. We really love the record, and we think people are going to be pretty surprised (and hopefully happy) about the sound we’re putting together.

Stream it for the first time below.