In a 1990 episode of The Cosby Show, Cosby’s character, Cliff Huxtable, hosts a barbecue for his friends and family where he feeds them barbecue sauce that—unbeknownst to them—makes people horny and docile. Toward the end of the episode, at around the 20:53 mark in the video above, Cosby smirks when his wife says, “Well, now it certainly is nice to see them work things out for themselves,” referring to the guests who had been fighting over women’s issues before the meal but are now snuggling and kissing each other. “They haven’t worked anything out for themselves,” Cosby responds. “It’s my barbecue sauce… Haven’t you ever noticed after people have some of my barbecue sauce, after a while, when it kicks in, they get all huggy-buggy?… Haven’t you ever noticed that after one of my barbecues—and they have the sauce—people want to get right home?” He then tells his wife that he’s got a cup of it up in their room on the night table.
The episode is creepy no matter how you watch it, but the scene is freakishly reminiscent of the sexual-assault allegations against the 77-year-old comedian, who is currently under investigation by the LAPD.
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The rest of the episode is about Cliff’s son Theo sparking a debate by trying to hire a stripper for his future brother-in-law’s bachelor party. The debate loads the episode up with quotes that are are pretty horrifying in their own right when presented without context, such as, “There we go again! Male domination!” and “You’re willing to watch a woman be used as a man’s plaything.”
Just watch the whole thing and feel weird.
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