
‘Rick and Morty’ Fans Are Extremely Pissed Off About the Show’s New Clip

Fotograma del nuevo clip de 'Rick and Morty'.

Adult Swim dropped a dope new Rick and Morty clip on Wednesday, and the show’s most vocal following did what they always do: angrily berated the creators of the thing they love to hurry up and release new episodes.

The video is a 15-second bump animated beautifully by Vancouver-based filmmaker Gary Ye, reimagining Rick and Morty as prey and predator at every scale in the universe, from microbial to cosmological. Rick is, by turns, a single-cell organism sucking eukaryotic Morty’s guts out, a Rickzilla blasting Mortythra with his laser breath, and a Rick-shaped black hole inhaling a Morty moon. Above it all is Evil Morty, the Big Bad set up in the first season who might be the only person who can actually outsmart Rick. It’s the kind of fun weirdness Adult Swim’s audience expects to see between episodes of The Venture Brothers and The Eric Andre Show at 3 AM.

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It’s wonderful, but most of the hardcore fans commenting on Twitter are just issuing blustery demands for creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland to hurry up and pump out new interdimensional adventures for the Sanchez-Smith clan.


We get it. It’s been 238 days since Rick and Morty fans—including Kanye West, Courtney Love, and Marilyn Manson—learned Harmon and Roiland were going to make at least 70 new episodes of the zealously beloved show. Many expected a surprise episode on Christmas, like the April Fool’s Day 2017 premiere of the third season, thanks to a line in a post-credits clip. Fans have been trained to be hyper-vigilant, looking for clues and hidden Easter eggs in every scrap of content Roiland and Harmon touch.

Harmon has explained ad nauseam that the reason the next season hasn’t come out yet is simply that he and Roiland aren’t done with it, and they want to make work that they’re proud of. Which is what fans of the show should want too. All that demanding new episodes does is make people—even those who like the show—hate Rick and Morty fans even more than they already do.

So c’mon, y’all: Appreciate the fun art Adult Swim is funding. There’s lots of it! Watch GWAR destroy that Rick and Morty-themed bar in Washington, D.C. Tune in to Dan Harmon’s greenscreen workout videos on Instagram Live. Or focus on something else for a while, like how Game of Thrones is coming back in April. Just please, for the love of God, shut up about season four.

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