
Sleeve Notes: Josh Butler

It’s not been a bad five years for MTA Records since Chase & Status started the label in 2009, what with the five million singles, 360,000 albums sales and a tidy Grammy win. They’re celebrating their good fortune on December 19th at Oval Space in London. The main special guest is yet to be announced – MTA have a track record for revealing the likes of Rodigan, Skream and Skepta in the past – but the announced line-up is already pretty unmissable, with D&B legend Shy FX sharing slots with Nero, Kove, TCTS and more.

They are doing a compilation too, dropping three days after the party, and featuring both label classics and some exclusives from the likes of Knytro, Ben Pearce and more.

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So, to celebrate this epic shower of tunes, MTA signing and house guru Josh Butler has knocked up a mix for Noisey. You can listen to it below, and read a quick chat about it with the man himself.

Sleeve Notes: Josh Butler by Youneedtohearthis on Mixcloud

Noisey: Hi Josh. You’ve had a busy year. How has it been working under an independent label such as MTA Records?
Josh: Working with MTA is great. They give me the freedom to explore and develop areas of my sound whilst backing me and always being honest.

Are there any inside secrets there?
The first time I went down to their office and met everyone I was in in awe of fact it was Pete Waterman’s old office from the Hit Factory. There was a ton of gold records on the wall from Madonna, Donna Summer, even Rick Astley,.

​You put together this killer mix in honour of their 5th birthday celebrations, why did you pick the tracks you did?
This mix has some old, some new tracks in here. I chose them because I love them. I have tried and tested them in clubs over the years and they still do damage on the dancefloor. A personal favourite has to be the Ethyl & Huxley track (2nd in the mix). Lots of wicked memories attached to this tune.

Take us into the future, what will the scene be like at 7am after their birthday party at Oval Space next Friday?
Probably pretty messy.

What are your thoughts on the EDM scene at the moment?
I pay literally no attention to the EDM scene, really couldn’t care what those guys are doing. I just do my own thing and stick within my circle of producer friends.

Finally, a blind date question, if you were a crisp flavour, what would you be and why?
If I am the crisp and end up eating some of myself, will it grow back? If so I would be cheese and onion, every time.