This story is over 5 years old.


Goodbye, Cruel World: Jay-Z And Warren Buffet Star In Educational Children's Cartoon

2012 can't come soon enough.

You asked for it, and now you've got it: an educational cartoon teaching children about entrepreneurship, starring BFFS Jay-Z and Warren Buffet!

Okay, so it would take a lobotomy and a constant IV drip of liquid PCP to think that this would ever be a good idea, but hey, it's the chromosome-heavy brainchild of some derranged HUB television executive and it exists and we're all just going to have to deal with it.


For those of you who are curious as to the complex and nuanced storyline behind this preview clip, it goes as follows:

Warren Buffet has somehow lured a gang of pre-teens into a New York City corporate office to meet Jay-Z (you know, as is the norm). The kids are under the impression that they're being "punk'd" by big W-Beezy (you know, because "punking" is still a hip thing that hip people like Warren Buffet do to young children). They are then delightfully surprised when Jay warmly greets them and encourages them (in the monotonous and awkwardly-paced cadence of seasoned voice actor) to pursue business because businesspeople can have their own charities or something (duh). We are then treated to "Empire State of Mind" (you know, because we've gone about 6 seconds without hearing it and that's unacceptable) while skaterbro boardslides down the State of Liberty.

Sorry, we just…can't do this anymore. Maybe we're just jealous that we didn't think of it first?

Nope. Definitely not.

Peep the clip below. Or don't. You know what? Don't.