
Russian Sledder in “I Don’t Do Doping” Shirt Busted for Doping

The vast majority of Russian athletes who could have competed at PyeongChang 2018 were banned from the Games due to Russia’s widespread doping scheme uncovered in the wake of the Sochi Olympics. Certain athletes deemed to be “clean,” however, were allowed to participate under the Olympic flag, as “Olympic athletes from Russia.”

Since the start of the 2018 Olympics, two of the Russian athletes allowed to participate have been popped for doping. First, curler Alexander Krushelnitsky tested positive for meldonium—the same heart medication that got Maria Sharapova banned from tennis for 15 months. Today it was announced that bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva also tested positive for a banned heart medication. We don’t know the specific medication that triggered the positive test, but we do know she has to upgrade her wardrobe.

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Hoo boy!

The video above was released before the Games began, and I have absolutely no idea what is being said in the voiceover. But! I can read English, and this shirt is straight out of the Rene Magritte collection. She has maintained that position as recently as Wednesday, judging by this quote Sergeeva gave Yahoo after she and her partner finished in 12th place in their two-woman bobsled event:

“If we are here, and we are clean,” she said, “we should be able to walk under our flag.”

Ah, the Treachery of T-Shirts.