Sean Spicer’s 9 Greatest Gaffes

Sean Spicer never made it easy for himself. He was an embattled figure from day one of his tenure as White House Press Secretary, coming out swinging at the press in a bizarre first interaction with reporters and the larger news media. He lambasted reporters for accurately reporting the crowd size at President Donald Trump’s inauguration, and thundered through a needlessly hostile first press briefing. With pictures of crowds blown up on screens behind him, Spicer falsely claimed Trump’s inauguration was “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration.” Then he abruptly stormed off.

Spicer followed up that bizarre performance two days later by starting his second presser with an awkward joke about his poor relationship with the press. He went on to enumerate the many achievements of the president’s first full day in office. Despite the calmer, saner second try, he avoided giving straight answers and dodged the tough questions.

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Spicer’s theatrics that inaugural weekend were an appetizer for what was to come — a rocky tenure filled with a seemingly endless series of self-inflicted crises and gaffes that provided a stream of comedic fodder for late night television, and which destined him for a diminished public role. Following a hiatus for reserve duty, Spicer held only six on-camera briefings in six weeks.

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