
Secret Feeders

Secrets, we’ve all got ’em, but the bulk of them are pretty mundane. Does anyone really want to hear about your super vivid sex dream involving Mario Batali, or that one time you sharted at work? Most secrets are best left uncovered. The dark stuff is what we really want to know about, the kind of information that’s dirtier than your roommate’s underwear you’ve knotted into a shrine underneath your bed. A casual encounter gone way wrong, a family curse, that one time you experimented with witchcraft and you’re pretty sure it worked… the kind of secrets that you want to tell, but are a little afraid to.

Artists Keren Richter and Nanse Kawashima co-curated a group art show called Secret about this type of psycho-personal classified information, opening tonight at Richter’s studio, Secret Weapon. Both Richter and Kawashima found themselves exploring themes of mystery in their own work, and decided to guide 25 artists down this dark river. The resulting works reference all sorts of naughty and tantalizing things like veiling, dirt, and hidden societies—and oddly, several images of women and hair came about as a result. According to Richter, some of the artists took the theme to heart and “Have been keeping their pieces, unsurprisingly, a secret. So there are a few that we still are in the dark about, which is both nerve-wracking and ultimately exciting.”

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What do you have to look forward to? “Hanna Sandin is giving us a mobile, which will be an interesting way to approach the subject matter,” says Richter. “I am excited to see the work by Womanza, a collective of artists that don’t want to be identified. The work of Kenyan and Grace (ByKenyan) will surely source something or create some really dark, artful object. I’m not sure what Jenny Mortsell will be submitting, but she is an amazing artist.”

Secret is open to the public for one night only. Viewings are available by appointment thereafter.
Thursday March 29, 7-10 
109 South 5th Street #500 Brooklyn, NY
Boozy refreshments will be available.