
Shawn Wasabi’s Sweet New Single Might Help You Believe in Love Again

As our pals at Broadly put it yesterday, it’s probably most logical to understand love as “a complex cocktail of hormones, neurobiological processes, and social conditioning.” Yeah, sure, romance is a hoax, and that’s a pretty depressing way to understand the world. Your relationship to all that good stuff out there—your kids, your cat, your favorite TV show—is just simple chemistry. Cool! Good! But fortunately, some things defy simple scientific understanding—for example, Los Angeles producer Shawn Wasabi‘s new starburst of a single “Spicy Boyfriend.”

Over the past couple of years, Wasabi (born Shawn Serrano, get it?) has turned out a handful of unimaginably gleeful, high-gloss productions and edits to his SoundCloud account—and this new one’s the most logic-defying yet. Impossibly bright digitalist xylophones ring over a slowly loping drum pattern as a number of synthesized squeaks—including one that sounds suspiciously like a squealing elephant—ring in the distance. It’s three-minutes of pleasure without restraint, capped with a sampled, stuttering hook that comprises its entire message: “I love you so, so, so, so much.” Few songs in the world have ever sounded so carefree! The joy this song brings me might just be overloaded dopamine receptors, and sure, love may not be real, but none of that matters. Sometimes feeling good is good enough.

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Check “Spicy Boyfriend” below, or for even more baffling work, peep a performance video of the track too, in which Wasabi does an impossibly fleet-fingered dance across a midi controller.