A mysterious record arrives in the mail, interrupting our protagonist, Pia, from a delightful-looking slice of 3D-animated pizza. So begins A Single Life, the wordless short that earned Dutch animation studio Job, Joris & Marieke over 40 awards in festivals across the world, and even a 2014 Oscar nod in the ‘Best Short Animated Film’ category.
A Single Life‘s timeline revolves around an original song co-creator Job Roggeveen composed under the pseudonym Happy Camper. In the film, when the record skips, Pia realizes it possesses the power of time travel and, well, you can probably guess what happens next. Today the film gets its online debut as a Vimeo Staff Pick Premiere. From the Vimeo blog:
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The origin for the film dates back to 2001, when creators Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins, and Marieke Blaauw were sitting in a dorm room at The Design Academy in Eidhovenm listening to an ABBA record. As the vinyl skipped they entertained a bizarre idea—had the record skipped forward, or had they in fact traveled through time? Nearly a decade later, they revisited this idea for a short film competition. “What if you could skip through time using a vinyl record,” wondered the trio, and “what would this power do to you?”
Find out what the power means to Pia in the full film, below.
See more of Job, Joris & Marieke’s work on their website.
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