
Someone Is Selling Takkarist McKinley’s Dreadlock on EBay

Sometimes, we can take assurance in knowing that we will remain on this earth, unharmed, as dust and bone. And sometimes, we find out that pieces of ourselves might be preserved for eternity, as some kind of creepy totem for an insane NFL fan at the low cost of at least $200.

After the Atlanta Falcons played the Detroit Lions on Sunday, someone claiming to work at Ford Field says he picked up a piece of Falcons rookie defensive end Takkarist McKinley’s hair and decided it was worth something. So what did the guy do with it? Why, put it up on eBay for an opening bid of $1. Pretty fucking weird.

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The bid reads:

I work at Ford Field in Detroit and I found a dreadlock on the field after the game (9/24/17). I’m pretty sure it is Takkarist McKinleys dreadlock. MUST HAVE for Falcons fans and people who are into voodoo. PS: I also found Brooks Reeds mouthguard. Dreadlock buyer gets it for free :-)

Oh, a bonus… mouth guard? Gross, dude.

Under the condition section, it is described as “used,” which, I suppose, yes.

One of the more comforting things of this whole scenario is that McKinley is at least in on the joke:

At the time of this writing and with nine days and eight hours left in the auction, the bidding had reached $255. Don’t forget the $5 shipping. At least that creepy Ford Field worker’s eBay account has a 100% positive feedback rating—so you know he’s good for it.