These Stained Glass Basketball Hoops Are ‘Literally Balling’

Using gems and came glasswork, artist Victor Solomon has created a design project that takes fine art to the court. Literally Balling is a series of three basketball hoops featuring stained glass backboards and gold chain nets to bring the late Medieval fine arts courtside.

For each decadent board, the artist dedicated over a hundred hours of time and energy to cutting and shaping the colorful pieces, hand weaving the glittering nets, gold-plating the rim, and finally constructing the frame and mount. 

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Beyond simply a glorification of the game and its high-roller superstars, Solomon’s project maintains its cultural significance: “These stained glass backboards, painstakingly rendered in the traditional ‘Tiffany-Style’ began as a joke, but have tapped the zeitgeist—basketball as grounds for a new cultural and artistic epoch,” Solomon explains on Literally Balling’s website.

Below, check out the glimmering, glassy glory of Literally Balling:


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