
Steelers’ Mike Mitchell Calls Out Goodell, NFL Hypocrisy on Player Safety

The NFL simply doesn’t know what to do about player safety. This much is clear from the arbitrary and erratic suspensions and fines that Roger Goodell hands out seemingly every week. So after voicing his concerns earlier this week about Gronk’s puny suspension, Pittsburgh Steelers safety Mike Mitchell decided to let reporters know exactly what he thought has become a horrendous double standard in the league:

And if you think he’s taking a ‘let the boys play’ (and get concussed) angle, reconsider. He’s just taking a step back, and pointing out that the way NFL regulates violence is a farce. And that arbitrarily defining morality within the bigger picture of a violent sport is a fool’s errand. And he’s not wrong.

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[big h/t to The Athletic Steelers writer Mark Kaboly]