
Supercut ‘The Sounds of Star Wars’ Is Music to Our Ears

Almost every human being with access to a television set might recognize the iconic whirr of a swinging lightsaber—but that sound effect doesn’t show even a fraction of Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt’s genius. 

In The Sound of Star Wars, film essayist Rishi Kaneria compiles the the film’s most memorable sounds into a sonically masterful supercut for his new YouTube Channel, Raging Cinema. The video spans the orginal Star Wars films, arranging an oddly satisfying sequence of gasps, lasers blasts, Wookie howls, and a ton of mechanical noises into a coherent two-minute sound summary of the legendary trilogy.

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“In 1977, with the release of Star Wars: A New Hope, Ben Burtt introduced a new lexicon of sounds into our aural vocabulary,” Kaneria explains in his video description. “This video is a celebration of those iconic sounds that have been rattling around my head since childhood and that have since become ingrained in our collective pop culture psyche.” And now, thanks to the driving rhythm behind his edit, the sounds will be ingrained in your psyche for at least the next few hours.

A good roundup of sound design can change how you see—and hear—your favorite films, so also check out Kaneria’s recommendations: video essayist Kogonada’s The Sounds Of Aronofsky, and Jacob T. Swinney’s Hearing Tarantino.


“Ho, ho, ho.”





See more of Rishi Kaneria’s work on the Raging Cinema YouTube channel.


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