
Surreal Online Animations Explore The Human Body In 3D, Post-Human Form

The human form—endlessly fascinating to us all, especially teenage boys—and its representation in 3D form is the subject for the New Museum’s latest online exhibition for their series First Look: New Art Online.

Exploring the territory “beyond Pixar, Adult Swim, or the default avatars of video games” this series of four animations Aboveground Animation: 3D-Form—running now through October 17th—showcases the experimental possibilities of the 3D human form from artists Barry Doupé, Kathleen Daniel, Ryan Whittier Hale, and Jacolby Satterwhite.

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The animations, taken from the archive of online art site and community Aboveground Animation, are created in a range of animation software and take you on a journey into the weird. “Post-human” is a term that comes to mind when watching them, as they blur sci-fi, the aesthetics of gaming, and strange erotica, inspired by things as diverse as one of the artist’s mother’s drawings, androgynous synthetic life-forms, and the broken translation of manga animation.
