
Trump Supporter Warns Ominously of ‘Taco Trucks on Every Corner’ Unless Trump Stops Them

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It surely can’t be easy to be a Latino Trump supporter after his latest immigration speech, which was so strident and aggressive that some Latinos who had backed Trump publicly reversed themselves. But Latinos for Trump co-founder Marco Gutierrez didn’t do himself any favors on Thursday night, when he appeared on MSNBC and warned Joy-Ann Reid that, um, “My culture is a very dominant culture… and it is causing problems. If you don’t do something about it, you are going to have taco trucks on every corner.”

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“I don’t even know what that means, and I’m almost afraid to ask,” replied Reid.

If it means what it seems to mean, well, a taco truck on every corner seems… good, right? Is the problem the delicious but affordable food? Is the problem that the immigrants are starting small businesses that no doubt create jobs and grow the tax base?

We’ll never know what Gutierrez meant because the conversation moved on to other things, but it’s actually very difficult to open a taco truck. It involves a lot of expenses and permits, and, as NBC News reported, usually requires loans that undocumented immigrants can’t get.

The latest poll on the subject found that Trump’s support among Latinos was around 19 percent. In 2012, Republican nominee Mitt Romney got 27 percent of the Latino vote.

Read: Can We Stop Pretending Donald Trump’s Speeches Are Interesting?