
Tacos With a Side of Ambien

Tacos With a Side of Ambien
by Maureen Espeleta

On my friend’s 26th birthday, we finished a whole bottle of Belvedere, and split a half a Molly. We took an Uber to Main Street–that’s where I blacked out. According to my girlfriend’s friend, we got ice cream, had three beers each, flirted, went to the beach and begged her friend’s boyfriend to give us Ambien when we got back to the house. We all took some and ended up stripping and running down the street in our underwear (on film too).

I was found in the birthday girl’s friend’s brother’s room two different times: naked. We went to Del Taco and ordered seven tacos each, but did not eat them, instead, they laid lifeless on the bedroom floor. There’s a video of me and the birthday girl getting into a fight in the back seat of a car; I was trying to push her out while the car was moving, and she punched me in the mouth.

Videos by VICE

I woke up at 3 PM in the birthday girl’s jeans–commando. I was wearing a bra though. Then we went to Benihana.

Best of Two
Nadia Lewis

I’m infamous among my friends for getting drunk and going all out to Foo Fighter’s “Best of You”–I come fully equipped with head banging, air guitar-ing, lip syncing and a dash of jump-hop-skipping if adequate space is provided. There are multiple videos out there of this happening, and whenever the song plays (when I’m sober) I never hear the end of it from my friends, mimicking drunk me as best as they can.

Once I was so drunk while this song came on that I started crying, saying how much this song means to me and that if I ever saw Foo Fighters live, I’d be the happiest person alive. Two of my friends tried to comfort me by putting me to bed. They then decided to sleep next to me that night. These two friends were dating at this point, so I got up randomly during the night and told them, “Please don’t have sex while I’m here guys” and went back to sleep.

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