That ‘Vote No’ Skywriting Was Crowdfunded and Now the Money is Frozen

On Sunday, Sydney’s clear blue skies became innocent victims of the marriage equality ‘No’ campaign. The message “vote no” appeared four times, in what can only be described as a fairly desperate effort to distract from the strong bipartisan turnout at ‘Yes’ rallies taking place all over the country.

In happier news, it turns out that the anonymous organisers of the skywriting were hoping to crowdfund the bill—which totals around $4000—and fell about $1000 short of the money needed. They’ve raised $3050 at time of writing.

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Even better, they can’t even access this amount because GoFundMe has refused to hand it over. The page has updated its description to complain that the site “has decided to freeze our funds, until we give our names and locations.”

Hmm, why don’t organisers want to go on record saying they don’t think LGBTQI+ Australians deserve fundamental legal rights?

“This is on the back of a massive amount of hateful messages we have received by people who want to silence our message and personally attack us… We are obviously keen to stay fairly anonymous due to the sheer amount of hate and threats we have received on this campaign by those who mask their hate with ‘Equality’.”

Ah yes. Conservative straight people, the silent victims of bigotry.

The optimistic anonymous organisers say they are in touch with GoFundMe and are hoping to gain access to the money raised without revealing their identities. They are also encouraging people to continue donating, with plans to fund skywriting in Melbourne and Brisbane.

There’s this confusing accidental reference to Derrida, too:

“It’s time we all sent a clear message that we will not put up with our way of life been deconstructed any further!”

Over the weekend, tens of thousands of people across the country campaigned for the equal marriage ‘Yes’ vote using the Twitter hashtag #PostYourVote. Meanwhile, the Coalition for Marriage launched its official ‘No’ campaign (complete with ridiculous, nonsensical television ad featuring an Outraged Aussie Mum) at a Sydney event with a small turnout of around 1000.

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