The Best of Shane Smith on VICE

Earlier this year we broadcast ten episodes of our show VICE on HBO. Those were heady days, when Shane Smith and our intrepid correspondents appeared on television sets across the country, carrying VICE’s immersive reporting into millions of homes.

And guess what? The members of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences thought Shane’s efforts, along with those of everyone else working on the show, merited an Emmy nomination in the Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Series category. While we are elated by the news and buoyed by that sense of unbridled optimism that comes with the plaudits of your peers, those of us who’ve been watching Shane and the rest of the VICE crew churn out kick-ass doc after kick-ass doc aren’t particularly surprised. Getting out there and covering things that boggle the mind has been our m.o. for years.  

Shane Smith

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second season