
The DJ Rich List – Just Who the Hell are They?

In the mid 90s, lots of dickheads used to scream: “DJs are the new rock stars!” You’d see it plastered across a glossy mag with a picture of some Dutch bloke in wraparound Oakleys and wonder, “just who is this man and what does he do?” The statement was a load of bollocks then, because although DJs made a lot of money, who knows what Sash or Dario G actually look like?

But nowadays, it’s a different case. In the era of Marcus Mumford and you know, the bloke from that band, DJs probably are the closest thing we have to rock stars. Not only are they rolling in mountains of blow and free Ed Hardy produce, they’re also raking in some serious cheddar. The DJ Rich List was published the other day, and looking over it, there are some names you wouldn’t expect to see. Here’s our guide to the men who’ll make you want to trade your guitars for turntables. 

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